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Cap Gemini Taxation Interview Questions
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How to calculate pf, esi, vat, sales tax etc.,

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how to get input credit in vat & service tax


how much TDS required in telecommunication services ? Any types of Telecommunication, provider or services receiver


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Cap Gemini Taxation Interview Questions

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What are excel functions?


What is the Difference between At Line selection and At user-command?


Actually we have 500 users when they run the report display the flage image related country user? How its possible?


Hi, While I am trying to produce a html report from SAS interactive screen, I am always getting an error. I have attached the result of interactive execution with this. Please help me on this. NOTE: All profile changes will be lost at the end of the session. 1 *libname ia 'U19K.CAPS.SAS'; 2 3 /*Data declaration*/ 4 data work.staff; 5 infile 'U19K.CAPS.SAS (RAWDATA1)'; 6 input LastName $ 1-10 FirstName $ 11- 20 7 JobTitle $ 21-23 Salary 24- 28 8 BirthDat $ 29-37 Gender $ 38 9 run; 10 11 /*Basic "format" statement*/ 12 /*assign range of values to a variable and use it*/ 13 /*'$' should be used for a alphanumeric manipulation*/ NOTE: The infile 'U19K.CAPS.SAS(RAWDATA1)' is: Dsname=U19K.CAPS.SAS (RAWDATA1), Unit=3390,Volume=XTD007,Disp=SHR,Blksize=6160, Lrecl=80,Recfm=FB NOTE: 20 records were read from the infile 'U19K.CAPS.SAS (RAWDATA1)'. NOTE: The data set WORK.STAFF has 20 observations and 7 variables. NOTE: The DATA statement used 0.01 CPU seconds and 7537K. NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 3676K below the line and 15196K above the line. 14 proc format; 15 value Salrange low- 10000='Below' 16 10001- 20000='Medium' 17 20001- High='Above'; NOTE: Format SALRANGE has been output. 18 value $Gender F='Female' 19 M='Male'; NOTE: Format ÅGENDER has been output. 20 run; NOTE: The PROCEDURE FORMAT used 0.00 CPU seconds and 7523K. NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 3676K below the line and 15196K above the line. 21 22 /*ODS-Output delivery system to create html file*/ 23 ods listing close; 24 ods html file='C:\Documents and Settings\u19k\Desktop\html1.html'; NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: C:\Documents and Settings\u19k\Desktop\html1.html ERROR: Invalid file, C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\U19K\DESKTOP\HTML1.HTML. WARNING: No body file. HTML output will not be created. 25 26 /*Basic "label" statement*/ 27 proc print data=work.staff split=''; 28 label LastName='Last Name' 29 FirstName='First Name' 30 JobTitle='Job Title' 31 Salary='Annual Salary'; 32 format Salary Salrange. Gender $Gender.; 33 var LastName FirstName JobTitle Salary Gender; 34 title 'Employee database'; 35 run; WARNING: No output destinations active. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT used 0.00 CPU seconds and 10275K. NOTE: The address space has used a maximum of 3676K below the line and 15196K above the line. 36 37 /*ODS-html closing*/ 38 ods html close; 39 ods listing;


What is the difference between ‘let’ and ‘const’?


Explain me what is the difference between $_files['userfile']['name'] and $_files['userfile']['tmp_name']?


How do you check if a string is lexicographically in java?


What is the max amount of information that can be saved in a session object?


What is a stream in java?


How can I find duplicate data in excel?


Explain the Job OutputFormat?


What are different types of verifications?


Are global variables initialized to zero?


you notice that the transaction log on one of your databases is over 4gb the size of the data file is 2mb what could cause this situation, and how can you fix it? : Sql server administration


Differentiate sql server reporting services vs. Crystal reports?