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Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions
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what's the equivalent Cobol Data type for Decimal(x,y) in DB2? what does the current SQLID register contain?

3 16741

I have a DB2 table which has 1000 rows.after udatingg first 110 rows, my job abends. Now what I have to do if I want to restart the job next time so that it should start updating from 111th row (without updating first 110 rows again).

10 55101

In a single table,How to retrieve a employee-id of an employee who works in more than one department?

15 19201

What error I will get if my select query gives multiple row while executing a Cobol-DB2 program.How can I solve it without using a cursor.

4 10034

My cobol program(not having any sql statements) is calling another cobol program ( having sql statements), what is needed for compilation and run in jcls .

3 11549

1. what if null values retrived from database and no null indicator mentioned in query. What is sql code.

1 7761

what is differnece between DROP TABLE & DELETE TABLE .

4 9867

What if we fail to give values in columns declared as NOT NULL ?

3 8503

What if , we failed to mentioed null indicator in sql select query , that may retrieve null value ?

2 8279

What if we try to insert the base table through updatable view , but failed to give a column value which is defined as NOT NULL.

1 5696

What value the host varible will contain , if null indicator value is -2 ? Will it contain the truncated value or nothing will move ?

3 11502

How to resolve -805 error in DB2?

1 34701

How to resolve -803 sql code in DB2?

3 42301

How to resolve -818 sql code in DB2?

2 23087

How to resolve -502 sql code in DB2?

2 23792

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Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How we can get ip address in codeigniter?


How do you insert comments in the command line prompt?


How to install typescript on windows?


What do u mean by append?


Why jsp is used in java?


What does closing a cursor do?


What is the insert?


What is a/b testing in data science?


What do you understand by overdraft?


What is the difference between Balance Sheet , Chart Of Accounts and trial Balance?


What is the purpose of ejb in java?


What are magnetic storms?


How do I optimize a selected query in mysql?


What is object repository in selenium webdriver?


List the five important v’s of big data.