When looking for data contained in a character string of 150 bytes, which function is the best to locate that data: scan, index, or indexc?
2 7667If you have a data set that contains 100 variables, but you need only five of those, what is the code to force SAS to use only those variable?
10 17814Code a PROC SORT on a data set containing State, District and County as the primary variables, along with several numeric variables.
7 14433How would you code a merge that will keep only the observations that have matches from both sets.
5 13220How would you code a merge that will write the matches of both to one data set, the non-matches from the left-most data set to a second data set, and the non-matches of the right-most data set to a third data set.
10 16238Post New Accenture SAS Interview Questions
What will you comment on Donald Trump winning the US Presidential Elections?
What is a doctype?
What is the role of php?
What are the basic parts of a spreadsheet program?
What is tier price in magento?
What is the monetary policy of RBI and what are the various instruments used to control it?
Give a brief about the django admin.
Why do you use session tracking in httpservlet?
How the PF control while running DG set with load
did you have faults as a leader? Describe the situation.
Our issue is there seems to be a disconnect, or no link, between our SELECT statement and our SD. We had SELECT SORT-FILE and SELECT SORT-FILE ASSIGN TO SORTWRK. ASSIGN TO SORTWRK1 SORTWRK2 SORTWRK3 SORTWRK4. with SD SORT_FILE RECORD CONTAINS 7833 CHARACTERS. In either case, at run time, the system ignored our SORTWRK# DD statements and allocated 16 sort works with the SORTWK## naming convention. Any ideas why the system does not recognize the connection? We do not even need the SORTWRK DD statements. Thanks
What is the difference between proof resilience and modulus of resilience ?
What are the types of data types?
What do you mean enterprise javabeans (ejb) container?
When should you use sequencefileinputformat?