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Accenture SAS Interview Questions
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When you will use nowd option in report???

6 21115

What is the difference Using & and && in the macro variables

5 16153

Difference b/n proc means and proc summary procedures?

3 8335

if a program has some 1000 or more line and how to know whether the syntax of the particular code is correct without checking it manually

4 9319

what is a post baseline?

2 8326

Below is the table. Required to be output should be the highest number of each student_id. Example. Student_id Subject Marks 1 Hindi 86 2 Hindi 70 3 English 80 . Calculate sum and average marks for each group of student_id Example. Student_id Subject Marks Total Marks Average 1 English 40 181 60.33333 2 English 67 196 65.33333 3 English 80 160 53.33333 PLEASE PROVIDE THE CODE OF ABOVE PROBLEMS

1 2338

if a variable contain dates like "2015/01"---"2015/12" (yymm) ,How to add day to those dates,if them month is jan then 31 if the month is feb then 28 so on ...


Post New Accenture SAS Interview Questions

Accenture SAS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain the working of timers in JavaScript? Also elucidate the drawbacks of using the timer, if any?


What is the difference between opacity stop and color stop?


Is list ienumerable c#?


How can I debug the Javaâ„¢ 2 security exceptions and AccessControlExceptions?


how can we test the Triggers, Cursors, Indexes while doing Database testing in DTP??


Can you explain distributed messaging system?


What is the difference between functions and scalar functions?


1.What is bidirectional traceability ??? and how it is implemented? 2.What is Automation Test frame work ? 3. Define the components present in test strategy? 4. Define the components present in test plan? 5. Have u written Test plan ?…. thank u!plz reply........


What is iphone?


What are the tasks performed during postorder traversal?


What you can contribute to the IBM?.


What is synchronous update?


Name three disadvantages of using a linear model?


Which power will flow first if we switch on a motor Active or Reactive? How?


What happens with the objects if the array is released?