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Accenture QTP Interview Questions
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what is Function Definition Generator? can any one explain me in details?

6 11269

How i can test the background color of the records displayed in a Table. Eg i have a .net desktop application and there is a Table(swftable) with records displayed in the grids. i have to validate whether the 1st record is displayed in white background color and 2nd record in light blue background color...But the constraints is that once user click on the first record...the background color changes to grey.......Plze let me now how to validate this with QTP 9.2.

9 17126

How u execute test cases in manual testing?

2 11890

how u track bugs using Test director in manual testing.

2 7032

how u test a frame in a web page using QTP?

1 10076

Differenece betwen Project and product ? when company need project or product?

4 7894

What frame work ur using in QTP in ur current company?

7 10997

What is the extention of Virtualobject

1 6875

Check point what is how many types of checkpoint and explain

3 9747

what time u r using data driven test in ur app"

6 9546

What exactly is the difference among all the three recording modes.

5 9914

i am new to qtp i do not know how to write script how to write the code to login if it fails how to able error messages

4 8955

hi all can any body explain how to write the script for finding the mandatory fields which are having [red Astrik sign (*)]


If requirments changed then how we can teach the QTP this is the new requirment

2 6252

Test script is generated and it is enhanced.It is required to be saved.But the disk space is insufficient.You are not permitted to delete any scripts.How are you going to save?

1 2430

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Accenture QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Can you explain how does the people soft enterprise portal work with 8.1x and 8.4 applications?


Is tensorflow open source?


Can you please explain the difference between ad-hoc and infrastructure topology?


1. How many jobs can we write in a single file? 2. How many maximum members can exist in a single partition data set(pds) in jcl?


What is workflow in hybris?


Why does java have different data types for integers and floating-point values?


How to create a package?


How do I fix error 0xc0000005 in windows 10?


What are different types of CDS?


Define global warming?


What’s the difference between hibernate and ejb 3? Don’t you think ejb 3 is just a clone of hibernate?


What is workflow? What are the components of workflow manager?


Can we use stl in coding interviews?


How to Navigate between code inside the IDE?


How can the analysis of financial statements be carried out?