i am new to qtp i do not know how to write script
how to write the code to login if it fails how to able
error messages
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Answer / shyam.meghansh
if Dialog("Login").Exist then
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Agent Name:").Set DataTable
Dialog("Login").WinEdit("Password:").Set DataTable
("B", dtLocalSheet)
' Check for invalid user and password
If Dialog("Login").Dialog("Flight
Reservations").Exist Then
micfail,"Login","Invalid User /Pwd Check"
msgbox "Invalid User /Pwd Check"
End If
micfail,"Login","Login Dialog not exists"
msgbox "Login Dialog not exists"
end if
................. any more question them let me know.......
mail to testingwithshyam@gmail.com
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Answer / satyaprasad
Note:for descriptive programing we must add the objects of
the application to "Object repository"
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HI...What Satya..we dont need add objects to repository for
descriptive programming.
come to scenario....
dialog("login").winedit("Agent Name:").set datatable.value(1)
If dialog("Login").dialog("text:=Flight Reservations").exist
window("Flight reservation").close
end if
like this we can handle pop up messages...
If any queries..
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Answer / pravati
Browser().page().webedit().set "mailid"
Browser().page().webedit().set "password"
Browser().Page().Link("Home").Click exist
msgbox "login pass"
else msgbox "login fail"
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Hi I am new to QTP. can u please answer to my qus... suppose 3 excel sheets are there * we are trying to check for login credentials for a page. userid from excel1 , password is from excel2 whether the page is opened or not that checkpoint is result is should be stored in excel 3.... this qus i have faced in IBM technical round... please tell script for above query ... please please
how will you handle the situation when object is not caputred during record?
in one page we have 100 links i have to click the 99th link how can i click the 99th link.
4 Answers GK Technologies, IBM,
I got an error "The"flightres" Dialog was not found in the Object Repository. Check the OR to confirm that the object exists or to find the correct name for the object." while running the following script Set flightres=description.Create() flightres("text").value="Login" flightres("Class Name").value="Dialog" Set agent = description.Create() agent("nativeclass").value="WinEdit" agent("attachedtext").value="Agent Name:" Set pwd = description.Create() pwd("nativeclass").value="WinEdit" pwd("attachedtext").value="Password" Set button = description.Create() button("nativeclass").value="WinButton" button("Text").value="OK" Dialog("flightres").WinEdit("agent").Set "test" Dialog("flightres").WinEdit("pwd").Set "mercury" Dialog("flightres").WinButton("button").Click Please let me know if i made any mistake in the above script...?
wt is frame work wt r d different types of frame works used in ur company
i m fresher iwant to know about testing what is the scope of testing field.i m aware in manual testing shall i go to automatiuon testinh directly or if any work experinc in manual testinh then only i go to manually automation testing.
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can anyone answer this question ........in the DICTIONARY OBJECT....i created the dictionary object in reserved object ok....here i have some sets of values ...now i want to retrieve the item i done too ok.......here my question is now i saved the test and close the qtp tool ,again i opened now i retrieve the same item in the dictionary is it possible ????. friends when i try to do this i am getting empty message box i mean no value will be retrieved ......ans me any one plz...
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