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HCL Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 499536

why you used Java Script? Can it use for both client side and server side validation purpose?

12 30740

what are Implode and Explode functions?

8 29688

What is Win32?

14 35978

How to access or modify the const variable in c ?

16 37562

Difference between Top down and bottom up approaches for a given project ?

14 106047

What is difference between initialization and assignment?

12 60607

What is virtual constructor paradigm?

5 14039

when can we use virtual destructor?

7 24877

What is Difference between thread and process?

28 260368

What is the abbreviation of SMILE

12 31314

what sort of things what u put in Bug Report ?

5 12599

Will you write a test plan in all phases?

11 24730

In Dialog program Syntax of Synchronous and Asynchronous?

2 8999


4 10629

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HCL Interview Questions

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What is the use of db connect in splunk?


What do I have to bear in mind with regard to views when using hints?


What are register variables? What are the advantage of using register variables?


What is the syntax of opacity in css3?


What's the difference between unit test and integration test?


Explain what are the techniques that help build the trust of the caller? : insurance cold calling


How do I change my desktop folder?


Differentiate the concepts of .js and .min.js?


Find the scenario and give the result: a, b, c are employees, where a, b will get basic, hra, da. C gets basic and da. How to group for the allowances? : sap abap hr


can we remote debug applications with the remote debugger installed with 2002, with 2003?


What is the difference between adding routes, to a webform application and an mvc application?


What are issues if we mix new and free in C++?


What is the difference between retroactive accounting period, earliest retroactive accounting period? : sap abap hr


What is the difference between GDP and GNP?


Explain the configuration of a list view?