Will you write a test plan in all phases?

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / kris

No., testplan will be written only once and ideally needs
to be updates with every change in the project!

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / l v s kiran kumar

to My Knowledge we can write a test plan for various types
of testing like
Unit test plan :this is the plan for Unit testing
Integration testplan : this is the plan for Integration
similarly we can also write for acceptance testplan ,beta
test plan...

MAIL ME :lvskiran4u@gmail.com

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / btech

Test Plan will be given by the Test Lead. As a Tester, I
did not get a chance to write the test plan. Test Plan in
the sense, It explains about the procedure do you follow
for the testing. What is the testing environment, Where do
you get the updated code, How do you compile and build your
code and test the application. It will be specified in the

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / suneel reddy

no we have test plan for each phase of testing

i.e test plan 4 integration,test plan 4 system,test pla 4

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / pavitra

We will write test plan depend on project if project is
small we write only one test plan, if project is big then
for every built we write new test plan. and we have 2 types
of test plan one is master level test plan nothing but high
level test plan and module level test plan nothing but
details of each modules. we will be having multiple module
level test plan but only one master test plan in a project.

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / ashok

i agree with kris. definently test plan will be written
only once by project lead or test lead. if you want update
the test plan and release the versions.

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / vinod

Test plan is roadmap for testing activities in testing
process and can be written only before process starts.
Test Plan can be updated according to the changes in the project

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / akhila

We will write the test plan based on the project but most
of the projects we need to write a test plan

we can write test plan only once to a given requirement and
we can update the tes plann also if there are any
requirement updates.

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / m.suganya

A test plan is just like an overall plan designed for testing a project. during each phase its tested and it is updated as per need.

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Will you write a test plan in all phases?..

Answer / santhosh

we can write a test plan for various types
of testing like Unit test plan ,Integration test plan ,Acceptance Test Plan,Load Test plan.....
But while testing in different release for build we will update the existing test plan with relesee no Project Name 1.x.x and get sign of from PM ,QA and stake holders for every release in prod.

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