what is sessional error or divice error in rpg IV?..when will it happens...Give few examples?
3 10151what are the types of errors available in rpg IV or 400.Like decimal data error,sessional error or device error etc...means important error occurings,ie to find out suddenly???pls give answ if u know?
2 6812DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BINDING LANG AND BIND DIR WHEN USING IN SERVICE PGM...when using binding directory service pgm is necessary?
2 14484what are the types of errors available in rpg IV or 400.Like decimal data error,sessional error or device error etc...means important error occurings,ie to find out suddenly???pls give answ if u know?Pls give the answer 1,,,,,,,to 12.........ie how it will happened like...for eg if a file is not closiing ,,,like this error is happened... if sufficient data is not in a pf to write in a display file. or sfldsp is not "on"......sessional or device error occured...like this give details all 1 to 12 errors (syam..)....give details PLsssssssssss?
1 5320I/o error detected,Record Out of sequence,Permanent I/o error occured....I mean give one eg for these errors...i understand only,update/delete operation without prior read oprn..give details of remaining
1 10188how a varible can be passed to a subfile...accnt1 contain data in a data area..ie Daccnt1 uds,Daccnt2 3 overlay(accnt1:1), DNo 4 overlay(accnt1:4)..we want to transfer this dataarea value from acnt0001 to a subfile..that means to enter each record we have to incriment account no,, i normal window we can do move accnt1 account_no eval account_no=accnt1 eval no=no+1 exfmt usr_account how it possible with Subfile????????.Please do answer? (Thank you for all your answers dear friends!!)
1 47131.WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CODE BELOW? C CUSTNO CHAIN CUSTMAST IF %ERROR can any body find the wrong please? 2.What builtin function will you use to achieve the following functionality? C QTY IFLT *ZERO C QTY MULT-1 QTY ENDIF
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