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CTS Interview Questions
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There are 9 balls of equal size and same weight(they look similar) except 1. How many weights required to find the dissimilar ball using a weighing balance?

8 18291

Product of Prime no. between 1 to 20?

5 20091

Find out the total numbers between 1 to 999 that are neither divisible by 8 nor by 12?

1 11019

Find out the distinct numbers that can be formed by 2, 3, 7, 6(don?t now exactly) that should be divided by 4?

5 14326

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance between the two trains is 18km. A shuttle flies between the trains at the speed of 80 km/hr. At the time the two trains crashes what is the distance traveled by shuttle?

8 27408

There are n urns and m balls. If we put 3 balls in each urn 3 balls will be excess. If we put 4 balls in each urn 1 urn will be excess. Find no. of Urns (or) Balls?

8 13795

Find the area not occupied by circles: Given length =y breadth =x

2 6571

A man gets x/y of Rs.10 and y/x of Rs.10. He returns Rs.20. The Answer choices are a) He may not lose b) He may lose c) He always loses d) Cannot be Determined

2 8895

Three men A,B,C can complete a work separately in some specified days(may be6,7,8).If they do the work together by alternate days. Then how many days need to complete the work?

2 8729

Four Members A,B,C,D are playing a game .A person losing a game should double the amount of others .B,C,D are losing in order after three games .The amount after 3 games are A&B having 40,D is having 16&C 80. Each questions carry one mark: a) who started with small amount of money? b) who started with greatest amount of money? c) what amount did B have?

3 9418

There are some houses in a street back to back .And they that house behind 10 was 23. How many houses in the street?

5 11311

There are 1997 doors in a auditorium and as many as people as the no of doors open enter the auditorium .A door was closed and as many as people as no of doors open leave the auditorium . the process was repeated till the no of doors is equal to1.find the total no of peoples enter the auditorium?

3 7716

A batsman average was last innings he took 23 runs then his average became much run he should take to make his average 18?

9 17832

Find the number WXYZ divisible by 36? i)let the digits be5,4,3,6 ?not in that order ii)sum of last two digits is 9 iii) sum of middle two digits is 7

2 5848

X and Y live in a North-South parallel street. X travels 10 km towards North to reach the east-west street . Y travels 6 km towards south to reach the east ?west street . X travels now 4km towards east and y travels 8km towards west and they met each other. What is the distance between x and y?

4 10323

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Which kind of application when creating with sencha touch?


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What do you understand as dependency injection (di)?


suppose we received goods from H.O.The sisterconcern received it.wat will be the entries if tge S.C.sells it from here.


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