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CTS Interview Questions
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there were 253 games played so that atleast two team from the group play each other. Find out the maximum no of team

4 7073

if a ball is dropped from 8 meter and it bounce back half the distance then what is the distance it travel before going to rest?

8 15019

Some of the friends decided to go on a picnic they decided to go on a bike if the biker decided to take one pillion with him then there is no means of travel for the people as equal to the no of bike + 1. if they decided to go on two trip three bike r left unused in the second trip find the no of person having bike?

2 6202

8)if there r four balls Red blue green and yellow in four boxes Red blue green and yellow not definetly in the same order. If the blue box has the red ball and the yellow the green then find out what is there in red box??

5 8826

1.BC CE EG GK ? a)KN b)KU c)KM d)None 2.AA AB BC CE? a)EG b)EH c)EI d)None 3.AB EF JK QR ? a)YZ b)ZA c)AB d)None 4.ACD EGL IKT MOB? a)QST b)QSZ c)QSY d)None 5.AC CG GO OE? a)EJ b)EI c)EL d)None 6.AE BH CM DU? a)EH b)EZ c)EB d)None 7.AD DP PL LV a)VS b)VK c)VI d)None 8.SE QU EN TI? a)CN b)BM c)AI or AZ d)None

3 23047

Argentina had football team of 22 player of which captain is from Brazilian team and goalki from European team. For remainig palayer they have picked 6 from argentinan and 14 from european. Now for a team of 11 they must have goalki and captain so out of 9 now they plan to select 3 from rgentinian and 6 from European. Find out no. of methods avilable for it.

2 11294

one man driving a car in a lonely forest .. it was raining at that moment ...suddenly one of the car tyre got punchured...and he is having stephiny in his car ...he gets it and he tried to fix that stephiny...when he removes the bolts of punchred tire all are gone into mud...all bolts... fell into mud...and that bolts he never get...then, how can he reach safely to home... by driving his car..?

6 9205

Jack & Jill went to the hill....In going to hill (upword Direction)...Jack went to the hill first nd waited for Jill for "x" hours.. Jack's speed was then twice of Jill.. In the down word direction Jill can go 3km in a hour, while Jack can go 1km in 1 hour.. Jill reach the ground 1st nd waited for Jack for "x" hours.. Total journey they traveled is 6 km.. Find the speed of Jack...

3 6140

Two trains at speed 60 km/hr comes in the opposite direction. At a particular time the distance between the two trains is 18km. A shuttle flies between the trains at the speed of 80 km/hr. At the time the two trains crashes what is the distance traveled by shuttle?

4 10649

if 1 is indicated by $ and 0 indicated by * find the value of {[LCM of 2,3,5]+6}1/2 ?

6 7617

Can anyone tell me the exact formulae with explanation for the questions related to cube which is asked for CTS? I have seen varieties of formulae in different sites.I need the exact on... So pls help me out!!!


How many such pairs of letters are there in the word STAINLESS each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet, in the same sequence? (a) Two (b) Three (c) Four (d) Five (e) None of these

29 132150

1027.05 ? 314.005 + 112.25 = ? (a) 825.395 (b) 825.095 (c) 825.305 (d) 825.295 (e) None of these

7 11870

can anyone help me out in solving the following puzzle "i live in water,if you cut my head i am at your door,if you cut my tail i am a fuit,if you cut both,i am in you"

11 18273

a train is moving at speed of 25 kmph , another train moving the same direction at a speed of 49 kmph crossed a man in the first train in 10 sec ? wht is the length of the second train ?

3 7081

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How can we set class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden?


You are a project manager for Waterways Houseboats, Inc. You have been asked to perform a benefit/cost analysis for two proposed projects. Project A costs $2.4 million with potential benefits of $12 million and future operating cost of $3 million. Project B costs $2.8 million with potential benefits of $14 million and future operating costs of $2 million. Which project should you recommend? A. Project A because the cost to implement is cheaper than Project B B. Project A because the potential benefits plus the future operating costs are less in value than the same calculation for Project B C. Project B because the potential benefits minus the implementation and future operating costs are greater in value than the same calculation for Project A D. Project B because the potential benefits minus the costs to implement are greater in value than the same calculation for Project A


How can you find overfitting in tensforflow ? How can you avoid it ?


how to configure sap adapter 4.1


give examples of while and for loop in r.


Mention how you can produce co-relations and covariances?


What is a cms?


How are Hierarchy() and Hierachybelongsto() different from each other?


What is the difference between ldap and active directory?


Is python a procedural language?


What are the different types of garbage collectors in java?


How to debug the Node.js code using Node Inspector?


What do you know about the speculative execution?


How to Force a Solaris Machine Not to Be a Router?


Explain the binary height balanced tree?