DB2 is a A) data base/data communication system B) data base C) RDBMS D) Programming language
4 8361characters of DBMS A) non redundant B) data independence C) increased security D) all the above
1 8376AGGREGATE function support by DB2. A) SUM & AVG B) SUM, MIN & AVG C) SUM, MAX, AVG , MIN &COUNT D) NONE
2 19277utility used to obtain inform regarding the optimizes choice of access strategy for SQL stmts A) LOAD B) REORG C) COPY D) EXPLAIN
2 4810how does the defining of a stored procedure effect the size of a DB2 data base A) it increases the size of a data base B) it decreases the size of a data base C) it does not effect the size of the data base D) it changes the table space structures
2 9623what is contained in the DB2 node lock file? A) data base names B) data base users names C) license keys D) server names
5 14263which authority can be granted to group of users using the GRANT stmt? A) SYSCTRL B) SYSADM C) DBCTRL D) DB ADM
3 9066which SQL comment successfully removes uncommitted changes from a DB2 database A) rollback B) delete C) drop D) decommit
2 11944There are no requriments, coding is been developed to the project without srs,brs document how u are going to prepare test case?
3 9516I wish to know the total procudure tht we follow for suppot project. i.e how we get the tickets and how we will send back to the client and the tool we use . ? and whts mainlly difference between 4.7 eee and 6.0 ecc and wht does ecc mean.?
3 13019somebody can help me to fin all the trasncripts for the versant tests the ones DELL make in the phone pleasi i need help!!!
22 57408how The engineer communicates wiht T.L as well as test manager, In wich situation this type of i mean serious commnication takes place(give me one real time example).and how the interaction will takes place between tester and client can anybody plz clatify me.
2 6740Post New Accenture Interview Questions
I want to know with example of vat & Salestax
What is log ldf?
Define data warehouse?
Describe the 3 object explorer (oe) tabs?
Define machine.config in .net?
any earth foult trip the relay but in welding time not trip by earth foult
What is cglib?
What is null statement?
How many types of recording modes are there?
How is calculate the cube molt
how can we use WebSQL?
What is the purpose of using WMLScript?
How do I sign into outlook?
What is failure-directed testing?
We are are looking to take the IS-Utility payment from the third party software where one API will be called with the variable input parameter (Business Partner/ Amount/ Bill reference number and so on..). and we are trying to post the payment in transaction FPCD cask desk for which we have searched several Functional Module but it do not worked and with BDC recording the transaction we are not able to save. kindly suggest any other payment method and Function Module, to figure out this solution.