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Accenture Informatica Interview Questions
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Hi, Can someone send me the DWH and Informatica FAQ's at Thanks in Advance, preeti

1 4247

Diff B/W MAP Parameter, SESSION Paramater, DataBase connection session parameters.? Its possible to Create 3parameters at a time? If Possible which one will fire FIRST?

6 15647

Suppose we have a (assume relational) source table Product_Id Month Sales 1 Jan x 1 Feb x . . . . . . 1 Dec x 2 Jan x 2 Feb x . . . . . . 2 Dec x 3 Jan x 3 Feb x . . . . . . 3 Dec x . . . . . . and so on. Assume that there could be any number of product keys and for each product key the sales figures (denoted by 'x' are stored for each of the 12 months from Jan to Dec). So we want the result in the target table in the following form. Product_id Jan Feb March.. Dec 1 x x x x 2 x x x x 3 x x x x . . So how will you design the ETL mapping for this case , explain in temrs of transformations.

5 9251

How to convert flat file into xml file? How to tune joiner?

2 10251

3. Suppose Seq Gen is supplying a increamental value to a column of a table, suppose, table's column value reaches to maximum value, then what will happen, will the session fail? If it is the situation, then what should be done so that we can stop this kind of situation in advance?

7 10737

what is shared lookup&persistent lookup?

4 9752

what are the unix commands to start the wrk flow ?

4 10999

What is the difference Between Mapping parameter and variable

3 9154

What is update override?

1 6023

How can u insert o ne row in the target if that row does not exists in the target and update if it exists

6 12888

what are the limitations for bulk loading in informatica for all kind of databases and transformations?

3 13981

1.what is SDLC of a project,explain in detail? 2.what are dimensions,facts?what is confirmed dimensions? 3.what is the need of OLTP? when we have datawarehousing?

2 17264

how to join the 2 different table with different columns in informatica?

5 22203

How to load the source table into flat file target(with columns) in informatica?

4 16246

when will we use unconnected & connected lookup? How it will effect on the performance of mapping?

5 14433

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Accenture Informatica Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What do you understand by openui5?


What are the fields in the memory table ‘screen’?


What is the main difference between the close() and quit() methods?


explan ur project architecture?


What are the other methods working as deployment functionality?


What is the purpose of capacitor?


What are the advantages of the Cisco integrated solution (Cisco 2600/3600 Series with ADSL WIC) over a two -box solution consisting of a router with an external DSL modem?


tell us something about your family background?


How to exit from an awk script using the exit command?


why are U looking for this vacancy


How do you use form tags?


Is win 10 still free?


Dear Sir, I have installed 40 HCL thin clients model BVX 4000 on windows 2003 server in the RDP mode, Processor is xeon 3040 1.667 GHZ, with 320 GB SATA Hard Disc and and 1 GB RAM ECC DDR II RAM , in have also expanded the RAM to 8 GB. but still the Graphics and ppt are opening in frames. please do suggest me how can i use these thin Clients to work in the normal pc mode so that the graphics( Photos .JPEG images and normal power point presentations.? Regards ather.


What are the most common InputFormats in Hadoop?


pls can anybody help regarding posting of vendor payment rs.100000 & discount receivid 5000 through f-43? & I configured in payment terms to customer a/c ok fine( the transaction key for customer is skt something! ok. where as in vendor payment term the transaction key not appearing, kindly post the possible reply to post discount received payment to vendor in detail. regards, pavitra