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Accenture Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is a financial statement

11 14622

What is bank reconcilation a/c

4 6805

What is the treatment for 'DEFERRED REVENUE EXPENDITURE'?

26 60175

what is the journal entries of a debit/credit notes in the books of seller and purchaser's A/C.

8 72695

Suppose One asset purchased in 2006year and calculated SLN method depreciation @10%pa for value 100000. Now middle of the present year the assets was transfered to B company. How can we take the accounting for previous depreciation, asset value (transfer value) to debit B company. What is the asset status in BS.

1 4434

explain sales/purchase accounting?


what are the content of purchase order?


4) What is Journal Entry of 1) Credit Sales. 2) Credit sales with Discount. 3) Credit sales with VAT. 4) Outstanding Rent paid. 5) Credit Purchase. 6) Out standing wages paid. 7) Bank over draft 8) bank charges 9) Dishonor check

9 66523

Expand E M I

8 13332

Salry pai dto Sharma debited to Sharma account is it correct.If not correct rectify it

7 8589

what is sox ?

1 5366

Rams due of Rs 32500/- was settled thru adjustment of security deposit Rs 12000/-and the balance in cash.pass necessary entry

6 8013

what is deffered revanue expanditure

8 10209

what is the journal entry for credit sale and credit purchase?

24 290244

What is Provision of expenses?

3 25887

Post New Accenture Accounting AllOther Interview Questions

Accenture Accounting AllOther Interview Questions

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What are the Loops in salesforce?


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Write a code for the implementation of a module pattern.


How to call a function inside a function in javascript?


Why is rdd immutable?


What is a defect?


What is " group by " clause?


How do you create a database in pgadmin 3?


Why do we need transactions in hibernate?


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What are pivot tables used for?


How can I prevent another program from modifying part of a file that I am modifying?


What are standard actions in JSP?


What is Contrast stretching?