what are the extractions made in a sap bw project using lo cockpit extraction in mm and sd and fi?what is the requirement and name them?
4103Post New Accenture SAP BW (Business Warehouse) Interview Questions
Can namespace contain the private class?
What is whitenoise django?
Do you know how backlink tools work?
What are preference shares? What are their features?
Why do we use stringbuilder in c#?
List the forecast models involved.
Why is there no automation in releasing the memory automatically during the termination of the program?
What is a mixed extent?
which two statements about device fonts are true? : Adobe flash
What is open delta Xformer? It's adavntages & Use?
What do you understand by strict conceptual escaping?
Mention what is variant in vbscript?
What does chmod 644 do?
Which tag should be used to pass information from jsp to include jsp?
When have you worked in a bad team? Which steps did you take to make it better?