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Accenture SAP Basis Interview Questions
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how to configure jco connection from ep to backend(ECC or bw or crm) systems?

1 7728

where can u see the dead locks in sap?

4 12991

what is the TEMSE size?

5 14901

where i can find the file sapinfo.exe (to check the sap server is running or not through cmd "sapinfo.exe"). i have already check all the SAP GUI installation DVD and sap installation folder, please help, thanks in advance

1 12660

what type of files are created during the export?

6 11964

What is Extended memory & what is PXA/Program buffer?

1 8155

what is the difference between re-do and mirror log? How it is related with database backup? Please explain the database backup concept in detail. Thanks in advance.:) regards preeti.

2 10939

How to assign a mass Tables in Auth Group by using T-code:se54


What are the scripts you can create for security by using LSMW??


In which frequency your TR gets transported to other system?

1 5689

What is an interface in SAP?


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Accenture SAP Basis Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is microsoft visual c++ 2013 redistributable package x64?


Which javascript framework is in demand?


How do I insert more rows in word?


Difference between .net remoting versus distributed com?


How are the differences in help () and dir () functions?


What is the difference between global variables and static varables?


Do you need a server to host a website?


Explain Benefits Of Cloud Computing?


What are various advantages of utilizing xslt?


What is budget variance analysis?


What environmental controls?


SOURCE DATA IS DISPLAY IN THIS FORMATE IN TARGET . WHAT BUSINESS LOGIC WE CAN APPLY. source table target table ------------ ------------ c1 c2 c3 c1 c2 c3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 A J 1 2 B K 2 A 3 C L 3 B J 4 D M 4 C K 5 E N 5 E L F M N


How do you use ng value?


What is the BS(British Standard)code for 11kv motor


what i would like to contribute to bhel,s growth