If a multi threaded Java program has started numerous number of threads, at any point in time how to know which thread is currently executing/running ?
7 13880when a servlet sends request for first time it uses the follwing methods a)init b)doget() c)dopost() d)service
4 6339Accenture NJ mostly ask question on Collection like 1)How to sort Objcts and how treeset sort them 2)Explain mechanism of Hashcode finding in Java 3)Name some of the Sorted collection.
2 7385IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.
6 9161Post New Accenture Core Java Interview Questions
Is it good to use important in css?
What are the applications of transistor?
Can you explain surrogate key?
In WordPress, objects are passed by value or by reference?
What language does postgresql use?
how can I handle embedded html in my xml ?
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What is difference between mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_assoc?
Can anyone tell me the correct answer of below question....it is about Bugzilla tool. When bug will find out at the time of executio where it will save or what is the location of bug??
What is a caas?
What lcsaj is?
How many project sources we can create in metadata?
Is bootstrap frontend or backend?
How can a user access a dos-format disk in solaris?