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CTS Core Java Interview Questions
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if two references are having same hash codes,is that means those are refering to same object?

5 9548

How to add two numbers with out using Arithmetic , union operators in java....? But we can use bitwise operators... but how...?

4 11415

What are the OOAD concepts in java explain with examples?

4 31859

What is Session and cookies?Explain in detail with an example?

4 17901

Can i have abstract class with no abstract methods?

22 42966

IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.

6 9053

why java does compile time polymorphism at run time ?

6 13318

What will happen if we write code like: try{}catch(exception e)catch(IOException i)

6 9320

can any body tell me? does advance java and j2ee both are same.

4 9086

what is deadlock in threads? with example

2 4770

what is the difference between applet and swing and gui application in java . What we do with the collections set and list interface

2 7935

Post New CTS Core Java Interview Questions

CTS Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is monolithic ic?


what is the key aspect that helps improve customer service?


How do you call a web dynpro application?


How to erection of DCS Panel at site step by step


What are CE functions?


Explain virtual memory?


What is angular cli? List the command to install angular cli?


I am thinking of doing honors in political science. How do I go about this?


Creation of wage type


please tell me short cut method in maths as well as in english for correcting the error for the post of clerck in bank exam


How do I make text fit in sheets?


How do I find my hard drive on linux?


If you've integrated new software in an existing system, tell us how you evaluated and identified the requirements for this new technology.


What is bytecode in java ?


What are predicates in java 8?