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CTS C Interview Questions
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convert 0.9375 to binary

2 17090

write a “Hello World” program in “c” without using a semicolon?

9 12196

what is available in C language but not in C++?

10 13522

wt is diference between int and int pointer as same as float and float pointer and char and char pointer

8 11005

what is difference between array,strutter,union and pointers

3 31370

25. It takes five minutes to pass a rumour from one person to two other persons. The tree of rumour continues. Find how many minutes does it take spread the rumour to 768 persons. ?

11 16475

who is the father of C Language?

20 28342

Hi can anyone tell what is a start up code?


Difference between data structure and data base.

7 32064

wat is the meaning of c?

9 8606

define switch statement?

6 6890


3 5764

main() { int a=4,b=2; a=b<>2; printf("%d", a); }

4 10508

how to use virual function in real time example

1 3792

What is the output of the program #include #include void main() {0 int i,j=20; clrscr(); for(i=1;i<3;i++) { printf("%d,",i); continue; printf("%d",j); break; } getch(); }

4 8209

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CTS C Interview Questions

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What is delegate method?


tell me the scenarios of the independent in reports


What do you think this position requires, and how well do you match those requirements?


Say your Product passed through testing and UAT. Now it went to production at client location and they found one defect in it. How they need to procced now? Will they contact you? Will they contact dev team?


solar energy light efficiency & disadvantages?


When instruction in Kotlin are executed ?


Write an example of a print function in python?


Explain grooving and shortening of arrays?


how many bags are used in 1sqm of brick bet coba


What is dao in java?


Do you know what is fill factor and pad index?


What is the general net worth percentage banks will observe while sanctioning the Loans for Tranding, Construction and Manufacturing units.


Is python list an array?


What is hibernate in j2ee?


How do I compare two columns in excel using vlookup?