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CTS ASP.NET Interview Questions
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what is COM Object in Dot net?

6 23286

What are Session states available and its Uses?


How can u sort strings in array where strings are passed to method as arguments.

3 7586

How to reduce the Page size in

4 10803

what is silverlight and what is the purpose of silverlight?

2 5421

HI, I have a very important query in mind. Please help me regarding this. I don't have any real time exp in .net. But I have a knowledge it .net. I got an offer from an MNC company as a software developer has I had kept 2 years of fake exp. Even though for this job I had worked hard to crack interview for more then a year. So, I would like to know how difficult it will be for working in real time as I don't have real time exp. Please tell me as soon as possible bcoz I need to join by next month. Can i sustain over there for a longer time or not. And also let me know how to work pressure will be over there. Please help me regarding this. I'm getting tension thinking about it. Thank you.

1 3573

How to include silver light .xap page into web application and what is the purpose of using silverlight application?


Post New CTS ASP.NET Interview Questions

CTS ASP.NET Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is ole in excel?


Give a real time example of stack


what is capital


Why did you choose aws?


1)Explain why the cradle guard is used on railway crossing in overhead line construction?


what we specify the in XML data server and parameters for to connect to xml file?


What are the disadvantages of using Spark?


Is script tag self closing?


generally in LT and MV motors we are using 3.5Coresx16,25,35,50 etc cable for supply.although motors is earthed at two point and having all protection.then why we are using that 1/2 core for earthing the motors.while in HT cable we are using only 3core cable for motor supply.generally lt and mv motors are delta connected and ht motors having star connection.whethere it is having any relation with winding connection( star or delta).all motors i am talking about are dol only.can anybody solve my confusion.thanks...


State thevenintheorem?


What is the default input type in MapReduce?


I am using microsoft excel 7.0 running under windows 95. I am using formulas to subtract time. If the resulting time is a negative number, the result displays aspound signs. How can I fix this?


Define Bill of Exchange


What are the different types of LT Cables?


what is the document spliting?