- Types of triggers - View - Dcl - Procedures, packages, functions - Metasolve - Can use Dcl in triggers - package case study - Cursor and its types - triggers schedule - Wrap - Why we are using fetch and for in cursor. difference?
1464Post New CTS SQL PLSQL Interview Questions
What is mutex in an embedded system?
What is the expansion of dcs?
Can free-form SQL queries be used with Sqoop import command? If yes, then how can they be used?
can u give example for factless fact table
How do you think you can make a contribution to Applebees?
Can xml be used for multimedia purpose?
if p is a string contained in a string?
What are the types of user defined functions in sql server?
What is tree view in automation testing?
How many types of query are there in hibernate?
How to initialize Dictionary using collection initialize?
Name the element which has the simplest absorption spectrum?
T unionĀ support factor
Define an abstract class with reference to java.
What are the types of commutation?