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Cap Gemini Informatica Interview Questions
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how can run the wf through pmcmd commend? write script?

2 7791

How to eliminate duplicate records in informatica mapping? Explain with an example....

1 8033

How will restrict values in 0-9 and A-Z and a-z and special character.Only allowed these chars otherwise we will reject the records? what is the function we used to restrict...

3 8101

How will restrict values in 0-9 and A-Z and a-z and special character.Only allowed these chars otherwise we will reject the records? what is the function we used to restrict...

1 15880

if suppose i have 3 columns namely 1,2,3 in table a and 1,2,3 in table b Now in table a 1,2 and table b 1,2 columns are having same based on this two columns either data should get inserted or updated. How do i write a sql query to check whether the data is populated correctly or not

2 6050

in a table it has 200 rows the query is select 150 from tablename.whats the output

2 8420

a soure table has 100 records how to load into 3 target tables in a cumulative order source target1 target2 target3 --------- ------------------------------------- 1-100 1 2 3 4 5 6 - - - 98 99 100

2 7527

The Source coloumns are A,B,C with data row1- 10,20,30 row2- 40,50,60 row3-70,80,90 and so on. In the target I want one coloumn with the following data, Coloumn-X, row1-10,row2- 20,row3-30,row4-40,row5-50 and so on. How to achieve this?

3 6966

i have source file data empno,ename,sal 100,ram,1000 200,tyu,2000 300,gh,3000 out put as e empno,ename,sal 100,ram,null 200,tyu,1000 300,gh,2000 how to load it?

5 8329

I want expect first and last record remaining all records will be loaded into target? which transformations we can use?

6 13673

source : xml file target: xml file how can we check data loaded into target xml file using writing sql query. pls help on this asap.


What is limitations of truncate and load option

1 8901

1 2 3 * 4 5 6 * 7 8 9 how to load records between two stars(*),

10 12661

Examples of Fatal & Non-Fatal error?

2 21315

My source data like... Empid Name 10 chandra 10 sekhar I am expecting result is Empid Ename 10 Chandrasekhar How can we solve this prob?

3 8939

Post New Cap Gemini Informatica Interview Questions

Cap Gemini Informatica Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Do you know is web sphere certified on people tools 8.1x?


How to type text in a textbox using selenium?


What are the programs that we can do with the microstrategy architect?


Is array immutable?


What are the rendered, rerendered and renderas in visualforce page? : salesforce visualforce


What is the 8x8 rule of slides?


What are helper functions and name 10 with their purposes?


Tell me how can you pass a variable by reference?


what is Brick crushing strength(PSI)?


What does isna stand for?


What is the prerequisite configuration to run multiple hybris instance in one machine?


what are the effects of price increase? How do you manage price rise and maitain company markert share?


What is nifi flowfile?


What are the different methods to insert document?


i am prepairing for 2+ yrs exp in oracle/unix production support,can u tell me which type issue comes in server plz help