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Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions
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how to get the particular chr in an array list the question is ....i have an array like this ABCD EBCF GBCH IBCJ HERE I NET TO GET ONLY "BC" FROM ALL HOW TO GET IT HELP ME ANY ONE THANKS

6 6488

i have an array CAPGEMINI .....Here i need to check whether G is there or not to do that and friends i have one big doubt that is whether it is array or string ,how we come to know that and where we consider that it's array ,where we consider that it's an string because when i want to find the length i have big doubt whether we need to use len function or ubound ... ans me for this TWO Questions any one please

7 8476

hi, for QTP TRAINING......SURESH REDDY SMART SOLUTIONS sr.nagar IS BEST OR NOT? how faculty teaches?

4 9177

What is a Dictionary object in QTP.?

1 7991

Reverse a string keeping the words in the string as it is. E.G. "Quick Test Professional" O/P "Professional Test Quick"

1 2173

Reverse a string keeping the words in the string as it is. E.G. "Quick Test Professional" O/P "Professional Test Quick"

5 6768

write a script to close all open browser in qtp except one browser whose name is xyz

6 10920

Tell me about your project? please help me how to tell about insurance project


How to retrieve the object properties at runtime without the usage of GetROProperty?

3 8734

Lets say,flipkart search button we have entered category[i.e watches] it displays some items...question is how to test price displayed each product is correct or not through qtp

1 3471

Post New Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions

Cap Gemini QTP Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

In which format image is stored in database?


List the benefits of traffic manager?


Explain importance of solanaceae?


Difference between HTML and DHTML?


What is the size of integer variable?


What is an uber jar?


How do you check sql server is up and running?


What large machine, which came on line in the summer of 2000 at the department of energys brookhaven national lab, is the world's highest energy ion collider:


Explain the difference between “==” and “===”?


What are meta keywords?


What is table valued function and scalar valued functions?


How to define default values for formal parameters?


What is teradata?


What is the use of bit field?


Mention the steps involved in the execution of a program.