i have an employment table whch has salary,dept,name? i want salary b/w 1000 to 5000 can anyone pls say the query for ths ?
8 12277Suppose we are doing transaction in a table and abend happened in between. Suppose i have completed the transaction upto X rows and I want to start the transaction again where the abend happened. I don't want to do the transaction from the first record. Then what i have to do.
9 11767Post New Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions
Tell us about an experience where you worked as a team player.
Mention what dedup-component and replicate component does?
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What is the difference between counting(T556c) and Counting class(t554c). similarly, cumulation and cumulation wage types?
Which tool you have used for apache benchmarking?
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How do I find out what year my outlook is?
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What do you understand by aggregation and atomicity?
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What is conformed fact?