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Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions
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How to resolve -917 sql code in DB2?

3 15759

How to resolve -407 sql code in DB2?

9 28619

How to resolve -504 sql code in DB2?

2 17836

what is the difference between normal select query and currosor

2 16567

What is the use of DELGEN in DB2? Can we Write the program with out using it?

6 15522

What are the abend codes occour in ur latest PROJECT in DB2

2 7903

Return code 100 means?

6 9385

What is the use of COMMAREA ?Minimum how much data we can pass from it?

7 27958

i have an employment table whch has salary,dept,name? i want salary b/w 1000 to 5000 can anyone pls say the query for ths ?

8 12277

what is main use of table space and index object? please its urgent

5 14371

Suppose we are doing transaction in a table and abend happened in between. Suppose i have completed the transaction upto X rows and I want to start the transaction again where the abend happened. I don't want to do the transaction from the first record. Then what i have to do.

9 11767

how many bytes timestamp token occupies?

6 14055

what is the differences between spufi and qmf and which is better?

4 10427

How can you display the current date & current time ?

1 4423

How can you display the current date & current time ?

7 11006

Post New Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions

Cap Gemini DB2 Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Tell us about an experience where you worked as a team player.


Mention what dedup-component and replicate component does?


What are the expressions allowed?


What is the super phosphate of lime?


What is the difference between counting(T556c) and Counting class(t554c). similarly, cumulation and cumulation wage types?


Which tool you have used for apache benchmarking?


What is the bit size of long on 64-bit windows?


How do I find out what year my outlook is?


How can I implement a thread-safe jsp page?


Is spark a language?


What do you understand by aggregation and atomicity?


how to find the fault in smps if i am not getting the output


what is handler in android?


What does s c mean on snapchat?


What is conformed fact?