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Interview Questions :: Electrical EngineeringPosted By : rajawats

:Q: Air circuit breaker safety

Interview Questions :: Electrical EngineeringPosted By : rajawats

:Q: Vaccum circuit breaker

Interview Questions :: Electrical EngineeringPosted By : rajawats


Interview Questions :: Mechanical EngineeringPosted By : arundhar yadav

:Q: you consider yourself suitable for the post in EIL?

Interview Questions :: Electrical EngineeringPosted By : senthilkumar

:Q: What must be the distance between the Earth pit which are grounded from two different sources. Example: Distance between the earth pit for LV Panel-1 & 2

Interview Questions :: SAP MM (Material Management)Posted By : jaydev

:Q: when we doing migo storage location option not display

Interview Questions :: L1 VisaPosted By : venkat

:Q: I am having 28 years of work experience and of which for the last 21 years working with same company which has branches world wide. Now my company is iniatining L1B visa for me . My education back ground is ITI+B.Com+Post Graduation in International Business. I am Technical line. Will my education be problem for L1 B VISA.

Interview Questions :: Funny Interview QuestionsPosted By : padmas

:Q: When we have 24hour a day, why do we have to have 12hour a day clock design.

Interview Questions :: Manual TestingPosted By : padmas

:Q: The Test strategy, in Test Plan document must be changed according to the type of test to be conducted. The main reason could be,

Interview Questions :: Civil EngineeringPosted By : sudip

:Q: How much sand and cement requirement for 1 SQM 125mm thickness Brickwork

Interview Questions :: Electrical EngineeringPosted By : deepak pal

:Q: DG cranking voltage?

Interview Questions :: Chemical EngineeringPosted By : nandini m

:Q: Corenuts technology interview questions

Interview Questions :: JCLPosted By : priya110842

:Q: What is one line to pass PARM from JCL to COBOL?

Interview Questions :: JCLPosted By : priya110842

:Q: Step 1 RC 4 Step 2 Step 3 I want to know the COND parameter which can be coded in step 2 or 3. Step 2 should be executed based on Step 1 RC and Step 3 should not be executed based on step 1's RC

Interview Questions :: COBOLPosted By : priya110842

:Q: How to traceback if I am getting SOC7 or SOC4 abend? List down the steps

New Answers

Interview Questions :: RPG400 Posted By : sagar wagh

:Q: 1.Load an runtime array of length 99 from the pf and you want to handle all the possible errors?

A :: H DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(*NEW) Dcl-F EMPPF DISK; // Declare the physical file Dcl-S EmpArray CHAR(10) DIM(99); // Declare the runtime array Dcl-S Index INT(10); // Declare an index for the array Dcl-S ErrorMsg CHAR(100); // Declare a variable for error messages // Main logic C/EXEC SQL C+ DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR C+ SELECT EMPNO FROM EMPPF C/END-EXEC C/EXEC SQL C+ OPEN C1 C/END-EXEC Index = 1; DoU Index > 99; C/EXEC SQL C+ FETCH C1 INTO :EmpArray(Index) C/END-EXEC If SQLCOD = 100; // No more records Leave; ElseIf SQLCOD <> 0; // Handle SQL errors ErrorMsg = 'SQL Error: ' + %Char(SQLCOD); Dsply ErrorMsg; Leave; EndIf; Index += 1; EndDo; C/EXEC SQL C+ CLOSE C1 C/END-EXEC

Interview Questions :: Civil Engineering Posted By : krishu

:Q: For a RCC section with congested reinforcement , what is the compaction factor

A :: .85 to .92 ... Bcz that's the range for rcc slump 50 - 100 mm

Interview Questions :: SAP Basis Posted By : tanay raju patil

:Q: What is SAP?

A :: System Application Products in Data Processing

Interview Questions :: Oracle General Posted By : ajit

:Q: How to find 1st, 2nd, 3rd highest using select select statement not using rownum

A :: select distinct * from (select e.*,dense_rank()over(order by sal desc) rn from emp e) where rn in (1,2,3);

Interview Questions :: RPG400 Posted By : sagar wagh

:Q: 1.find most occurrences of a character. for exm: input:aaabbbbdddddyyy output: d 5 times how can i get that?

A :: Dcl-S inputString Char(30) Inz('aaabbbbdddddyyy'); Dcl-S charCount Int(10); Dcl-S maxCount Int(10) Inz(0); Dcl-S maxChar Char(1); Dcl-S i Int(10); Dcl-S j Int(10); For i = 1 to %Len(%TrimR(inputString)); charCount = 0; For j = 1 to %Len(%TrimR(inputString)); If %Subst(inputString: j: 1) = %Subst(inputString: i: 1); charCount += 1; EndIf; EndFor; If charCount > maxCount; maxCount = charCount; maxChar = %Subst(inputString: i: 1); EndIf; EndFor; Dsply ('Character ' + maxChar + ' occurs ' + %Char(maxCount) + ' times'); *InLR = *On;

Interview Questions :: General Aptitude Posted By : aruneshkumar g

:Q: what is the formula to find resistance if the terms density,reluctance,sensitivity,voltage,current are given

A :: Resistance (R) = Voltage (V) / Current (I)

Interview Questions :: PHP Posted By : gokilavani s

:Q: What is encapsulation in oop php?

A :: Encapsulation is fundamental concepts in object oriented programming Encapsulation provides three main benifits Data hiding Code organization Code reusability Php using access modifiers public, protected, private control access to the modified and properties Public- accessible from anywhere Protected - accessible within class and subclass Private - accessible only in the class itself

Interview Questions :: Automobile Engineering Posted By : yes

:Q: What is CX and DX mean or abbreviation for JCB Backhoe Loaders ? I know they are models 3CX is used in Europe and 3DX is used in India but I am looking for the full form of those abbreviations - Thanks

A :: 1CX, 2CX, 3CX, 4CX search each one on google is the different size of truck

Interview Questions :: SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Posted By : shiv dokka

:Q: Can anyone tell about types of free goods?

A :: Types of Free Goods: 1) Inclusive 2) Exclusive lets say that company is offering 2 qty as free goods to the customer for 10 Qty. Now lets understand Inclusive: Same quantity will be offered as the free goods. for ex. If customer order Laptops with 10Qty then the customer will get 2 laptops as free. Now lets understand Exclusive: If customer orders 10 Qty Laptops then the company offers them different products for free like Charger, External HD, Mouse etc...

Interview Questions :: SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Posted By : shiv dokka

:Q: This is a Scenario based question asked in an recent interview. "For each line item in a Sales order a separate purchase order number should be created"? How & where do you configure this in SAP along with explanation ? Plz provide answer to this question asap.... Waiting for your reply eagerly.... Thanks in advance.. Regards

A :: PO Cannot be created in the Sales Order unless we have the Purchase Requisition. PR can be generated in Sales Order only through Trading Scenarios i.e. IPO and Third Party Sales. This can happen with the integration of SD-MM.


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