Funny Interview Questions Interview Questions
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i have shifted my career from retail store manager to technical best can i handle this question in interview


2 5816

If any recruiter ask like this "We offer low salary compare to other big companies. You have chance to get the job in it after some period. Why you choose my compaany?"

HCL, ITC Indian Tobacco Company,

8 11570

How to select the right answer?

Ajmal Perfumes,

4 6315

What happens when one crosses 1800 longitude from west to east?

Infosys, Kannan Systems,

11 19356

in which sports left hand not used

Deccan, HDFC,

14 16622

I have a table named mstemployee which contain all details of employee. with column id,name and another table named MessageList which contains columns id,message,Toempid,sendTime,msgFromempid,Status my problem is following i get the following error message when i run the following query Tables or functions 'mstemployee' and 'mstemployee' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them. QUERY....................................... select message as Subject, TO_Name, from_Name ,convert (varchar,sendTime,103) as sendTime, as MsgID from dbo.MessageList left join mstemployee on = MessageList.msgFromempid left join mstemployee on = MessageList.msgToempid where MessageList.Status='Post' and MessageList.msgToempid=1


plz send me material 4 PO exam at THANX


one girl she is blind deaf and dum and also uneducated and one boy he loves her. without touching the girl how ot propose the love to her. wat is the answer please reply

ABC, AllZone, Infosys, PCS,

58 174093

hi all i am an enginering graduate curently working with a ps u in nontechnical department and wish to change to a techinical department ,got thru open written test, going to appear for the personal interview.could be pls give the best reply for the question "WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR CURRENT JOB AND JOIN US"?In my cast my current and future employer going to be same.


3 7038

Hai guys, Iam adding some questions over here. Which may help us in the interview. 1.What is mixed economy? 2.What are the subsidories of SBI? 3.Who will issue currency notes? 4.What is meant by clearing house? 5.American express? 6.Which subsidory recently amalgamated in SBI? 7.What is meant by censex? 8.which bank recently submerged in SBI?

State Bank Of India SBI,

5 8954

Please translate it in english... "Sivaji production-ku chandramuki ethanavathu padam"......How to ask this in english.......

9 17157



4 15607

what is young one of a fish called ?

14 47776

What is your target in life? what is your career objective?

Bhel, Jindal Steel and Power,

1 4881

Dapat ba o hindi dapat ang relasyon ng parehong babae?


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when you got bycycle for the first tym?


When will SBI 11000 Final Result will be declared?


As stated in the job offer notification, is our basic salary of AED 29,500, good for you if employed?


wt is your funniest moment in your life


Hi., What is the relationship between house bank and bank account?


consider a simple java progarm(say hello world program),how the program is running without creating the object?(every class is accessed with the help of object). but ,how is this program running ??


what is ur job describe how i will give the answer. i am student of m.b.a.


how one should introduce himself in ssb interview?


hello frnds,I am B.E graduate and also worked 5 yrs in real state sector as an engineer.I want to come in Gov.SEC.I cleared SBI cleark 2009 exam 1st round.Pls send me some question that can be asked in interview.I have to clear the interview dear ,no other way.Pls help me.God will blesss u for this help.need IMMEDIATE RESPONSE,PLS.


why ibm ? give me exact answer


Anyone else in this world Ever Imgine about An Interviewer from A Consultancey Recruitment Agency and WHAT INTERVIEW HE/SHE FACED FOR THAT POST ? AND WHAT EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION THEY SHOULD HAVE ? Above all WHAT kNOWLEDGE THEY HAVE ?


Hi all this is ATUL this side I have given my interview for SBI CLERK GRADE ON 28/04/2010 at DEHRADUN SBI LEARNING CENTER . If there is any one else who had attended interview on the same date/venue in morning session plz contat to me regarding further advancement about the recr. Process. Please be in touch My phone no is 09312813345 Email –id Or find me on facebook at




i have written an article on the subject - interviewing process going transitional - a survey. i need to get it published to a well known magazine of H.R related. Could you please let me know where i need to send them and at which email id. the persons name and the name of the publisher and their contact no. Find the glimse of the article being presented. On reviewing your article on survey interviewing procedure published recently on 23, 2011 and having gone through face to face interviewing process in many of the traditional & professional companies, I look forward and like to present some of the closest facts, which was never being disclosed earlier. This information may throb the corporate world of mid size ltd / pvt companies and may question their hiring process and take the matter to the interviewing board. You must have read in economics about five M- i.e. man, material , methods, money , market. When they are synthesize together, a better result is expected to enhance good health of the industry. There are some internal & external factors that influences the Hiring / Recruitment process & success of an organization, followed by some macro & micro factors that persuades our recruitment / employment policy. At the time of hiring a candidate, the selection’s are made based on some...... to be continued with attachments.......


i m selected for sbi clerrk and my interview in may-2010 . i m final year mca student so i want to know i show my mca in interview or not what are its effect in clerk interview