Advertising Media Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What attracts you to this industry?

3 16488

What are your long term professional goals?

RRDonnelley, TATA,

1 5933

Describe a time where a creative approach to meeting an objective didn?t work and what you did next?

ABC, Timeshare,

1 8322

What are some of the challenges you see that are facing this industry?


Why should we hire you?

2 7180

Why do you want to work here?

1 4879

What are your greatest weaknesses?

3 6503

Why did you leave your last job?

1 5007

Describe a problematic situation and how you solved it?



What accomplishment are you most proud of?

1 5165

What are your salary expectations?

Apple, Aricent, Honeywell, Huawei, Zomato,

2 5734

Tell me about yourself.

1 5378

What's different about doing an interview face to face?

2 5324

There's a saying "Do whatever it takes to get the job done". Give me a recent example of what you did that exemplifies this statement.


Are you creative? Give me an example of your creativity.

4 18984

Un-Answered Questions { Advertising Media }

Would the copy turn anyone off? Does it appropriately reflect our company?


List out some of the useful online marketing tools?


Is social media marketing better for b2c or b2b businesses?


Do you think that the media is objective? Why or why not?


What’s the best way to decide what ad wins in a test? (What’s the best metric to use?)


In your opinion, what has been the single biggest news item from this past year? How did the media cover this event?


What do you know about ppc?


Do you think a politician's private life is newsworthy? Why or why not?


Is PPC Advertisement effect ranking of websites on search engines ?


Which are the most useful online marketing tools?


which size of panty prefer to walk on the ramp for swimwear and lingeries to look glamour in the whole show


What are the evidences one should hold for the claims they get on the ads they put up?


How can you use word-of-mouth as a marketing tool?


What are the benefits of social media marketing for my company?


What are the uses of Google Ad API?