what are the stages in Testing life cycle?
Accenture, DELL, Mind Tree, Planet Web Solutions, TCS, Trigent,
50 107541Post New Manual Testing Questions
Write 2 scenarios for Integration testing? Please let me know its urgent.
My name is Akpos from Nigeria. I have finished manual testing course. Please, can someone advise me where to go on from here?
How soon the bug should get fixed?
what is conditional testing? explain and examples
What is stub?
What is the difference between a standalone application, client-server application and web application?
1.How can you Pick Integration Test Cases? 2.When will you start Regression Testing? 3.What is the difference between QA & QC? 4.When Will you Exit In Testing? 5.Test Deliverable's 6.What is the difference between windows based appln and web based appln? 7.What are the types of regression testing?
i want to for technical interview question paper along with in tesrviwe Phases i need
Functional and Integration test scenarios for actitime application
Hi could some one please send me the testplan testcases(for 2Modules) and testscripts for mercry fliht aplication or gmail. please write those on templates and send me.In testplan plase write Testobjective, test scope, est approach, exlusions assumptios.
Can you explain exploratory testing?
Do submit teststrategy to customer if yes at what time
wat are the questions would the project leader ask about the project?? please do send the answers early.
What is un-installation testing?
can anyone tell me the scenarios for online banking transaction ?