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Siemens Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Tell me about yourself?

229 498399

What is Copy Constructor?

5 19046

How would your co-workers/classmates/friends describe you?

16 34685

Give an example of a time when you had to make a quick decision on the job?

7 31608

What would you want to achieve in your first year on the job?

19 82746

What is an abstract class?

5 10243

What is the difference between creating an object, using 'new' and using 'malloc'?

3 11500

What is a virtual base class?

6 23122

Do you know how to joint the H.T and L.T Cables?

23 58453

Difference between Top down and bottom up approaches for a given project ?

14 105903

What the difference between capital goods and infrastructure.

2 9616

What is the difference between debugging and manual testing?

8 18535

When test plan will be prepared in v-model?

7 17356

when the test plan will be prepared in waterfall model?

3 12394

what is monkey testing?

24 36550

Post New Siemens Interview Questions

Siemens Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define seam finish?


What do you understand by worker node?


Once you have captured all the costs and revenues how do you analyze them?


Explain method of perfusion. State some of its drawbacks.


What is glass transition temperature?


What is standard toolbar in ms word?


What is webapplicationcontext?


Different workflow components available in salesforce? : salesforce admin


How do I convert an xml file to excel?


In case of any eventuality, who is your next of kin?


What is the difference between array and structure in c?


What is currency filter?


When did c++ add stl?


Why derating factor os applied on Cables?


What is the procedure for installing USP-35 on my compure?