General Aptitude Interview Questions
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Least no. when divide by 7 gives remainder 6, 6 gives 5, 5 gives 4 and so on ?

ABC, AGS, AGS Health, FirstSource, Geometric Software, Marketing, Mylan, TCS,

6 29300

for cube and sphere 3 views are similarly draw one such figure?

Geometric Software,

2 13134

success is to failure, joy is to ?

Geometric Software,

5 31302

meaning of JOLLY?

Cap Gemini, Geometric Software, Quintiles,

3 14303

opposite to ESSENTIAL?

Geometric Software,

5 13359

"Raw" means ?

Geometric Software,

4 13212

"Command" opposite?

Geometric Software,

3 14057

GENUINE opposite?

Geometric Software, La Senza,

6 16939

Sum of two consecutive nos is 55, larger one is?

Geometric Software, Infosys,

3 22751

A person goes 4/5 of his usual speed reaches 10 min late to his destinaton, time taken?

Geometric Software,

7 41951

80% pass in english, 70%pass in maths , 10%fail in both , 144 pass in both . How many all appeared to the test?

College School Exams Tests, Geometric Software, Infosys,

14 89230

To get a parabola if you cut a section of?

Geometric Software,

5 11388

Bird is flying 120km/hr b/w B to R. two trians at B to R at 60 kmph .The distance trvelled by the bird before it is killed.

Geometric Software,

2 9296

meaning of INERT ?

Geometric Software,

3 9678

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Un-Answered Questions { General Aptitude }

Mr. Sohan works for Azania Company. The company grants 1000 shares to Mr. Sohan in 2008. At that point each share is worth Rs. 100. In 2010, he decides to sell his entire stake and at that point, the value is Rs. 120 per share. The government declares that the tax to be paid is 10% of the entire profit. Due to the inflation, the value of a rupee in 2010 is equivalent to 0.8 of a rupee in 2008. In this situation, which of the following model indicates the actual tax to be paid by the investor?


If 4 circles of equal radius are drawn with vertices of a square as the center, the side of the square being 7 cm, find the area of the circles outside the square?


The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 8. When 18 is added to the number, the digits are reversed. the number?


5) DB2 maintains information about the data a) In Tables b) In a set of tables known as DB2 catalog c) In DB2 database d) None of the above


The population of a city increases @ 4% p.a. That is an additional annual increase of 4% of the population due to this influx of job seekers, the % increase in population after 2 years is


How do you convince the retailer to sell you product?


In 6 seconds a light flashes once. In one hour how many times it will flash?


HERE = COMES – SHE, (Assume s = 8), Find value of R + H + O


k, l are men who take home a salary of x, y respectively.the total amount taken home is


The average salary of Ram, Shyam and Sundar is 95 Rs. per week. If Ram earns Rs.115 and Shyam earns Rs.65.What is the salary of Sundar.


there are two boats across a of the boat starts from x and proceeds to y at the other river end.while the other boat starts from y and proceeds to x.the first time these two boats meet is 200 kms from x.they continue their journey reach y and x respectively. when they come back they meet at a point which is 400 kms from y .find the width of the river ..


A man walks around a rectangle. The time taken by him in travelling the length is twice as taken in travelling the breadth of the rectangle. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 300 mts, what is the area of the rectangle?


All birds are animals. All animals are four legged. Implications a. All animals which are four legged are birds. b. All birds are four legged c. Some birds are four legged d. Some birds are animals but not four legged.


The sum of the series 1 + 1(1+1/n) + 3(1+1/n)2 + ..... is equal to?


A cubical rectangular bar has the dimensions with the ratio 5 : 4 : 3. Its volume is 7500. What is the surface area of the bar?