Corenuts technology interview questions

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More Chemical Engineering Interview Questions

Solve the first order differential equation : (Z 1)(dy/dx) = xy in term of ln |y| = f(x). Z = (x)(x).

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QUANTUM BIOLOGY - EXAMPLE 33.3 : In quantum biology, microtubule is used to store information in a cell. At temperature of T = 300 K, measured current I in a probe is directly proportional to the supplied voltage V, when passing through a microtubule with resistance R. (a) Form an equation of V as a function of I involving k as a constant. (b) If the microtubule has R = 1 ohm at such condition, find the value of V when I = 2 A. Hint : Ohm's law. (c) Find the relationship of k as a function of R.

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what is the speed of a rotary drier

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Who built the first production scale pla (polylactic acid) facility?

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My previous company dismissed from my job due to some reason. But they have given 1 year experience certification. But i worked for 1 year 4 months, How do i answer if interviewer asked what did you do for six months.why are you leaving your job?

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CHEMICAL ENERGY BALANCE - EXAMPLE 11.4 : Calculate the bubble temperature T at P = 85-kPa for a binary liquid with x(1) = 0.4. The liquid solution is ideal. The saturation pressures are Psat(1) = exp [ 14.3 - 2945 / (T + 224) ], Psat(2) = exp [ 14.2 - 2943 / (T + 209) ] where T is in degree Celsius. Please take note that x(1) + x(2) = 1. Please take note that y(1) + y(2) = 1, y(1) = [ x(1) * Psat(1) ] / P, y(2) = [ x(2) * Psat(2) ] / P, * is multiplication. P is in kPa.

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ENGINEERING PHYSICS - EXAMPLE 30.2 : The Planck-Einstein relation connects the particulate photon energy E with its associated wave frequency f to produce E = hf. Let h to be the Planck constant. The frequency f, wavelength L and speed of light c are related by E = hc / L. With p denoting the linear momentum of a particle, the de Broglie wavelength L of the particle is given by L = h / p. (a) Find the equation of E as a function of p and c. (b) If E has a unit of electron-volt and f has a unit of 1 / second, then what is the unit of h?

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i m a frsh chemical engineer now i m confuse to attend the interview so anybody pls send model question papers to this

0 Answers   HPCL,

What are the criteria’s involved in choosing mass balances for components?

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Explain what is the best way to configure a bypass line in slurry services?

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According to Shockley equation, the I – V characteristic of a diode is approximated by I = IS [ exp (nVD / VT) – 1 ]. For silicon, let the reverse bias saturation current IS as 0.000000000001. If n is ideality factor with value of 1.5, VT as thermal voltage drop of 0.026 V at room temperature, what is the value of current I that passes through the silicon diode in the heater of evaporator when the forward voltage drop VD = 0.026 V? Please take note that exp is the exponential function with e(1) = 2.718, e(2) = 7.389.

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POLYMER ENGINEERING - QUESTION 24.1 : The molecular weights M in kg / mol of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Ma = 14, Mb = 16 and Mc = 18. The fraction of polymer chain X of 3 different monomers a, b and c in a polymer are Xa = 0.5, Xb = 0.3 and Xc = 0.2. (i) Calculate number average molecular weight by using the formula Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc. (ii) Calculate weight average molecular weight by using the formula (Ma Xa Ma + Mb Xb Mb + Mc Xc Mc) / (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc). (iii) Calculate the polydispersity by using the answer in (ii) divided by answer in (i). (iv) If the molecular weight of repeat unit is 12, calculate the degree of polymerization by using the formula (Ma Xa + Mb Xb + Mc Xc) / (molecular weight of repeat unit).

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