What is the procedure for Sales Tax Filing? which can come under this head. whn we file it? wat r all the materials to be submitted? For eg: i hav a company named 'A'in chennai. my branch 'b' is in Bangalore. the sales made in bangalore can be (come for sales Tax Filing)filed in chennai? and also the purchase from bangalore can be(Sales tax filing) filied in chennai?
4 32165Where does the entry of TDS payable, sale tax payable, service tax payable will appear in Balance sheet or profit or loss a/c?
12 37974What is the last date for filing of returns for TDS, ESI, PF, Professional Tax, Income Tax, Service Tax and Income Tax?
21 117171What is the present Central sales tax rate in India? Also let me know the maxium and minium sales tax rate in India.
34 509163Telliphone Bill amount is Rs. 50,000/- and Service tax (12.36%) is Rs. 6180/- Total 56180/- is going to Debit a/c. my question is Tds caluculation made for what amount. (50000/- or 56180/-) pl give me correct answer.
21 37530Give the correct entry for below statement. 'A' Securiy charges 395926, Vehicle maintenance 5000 and Mobile charges 1300 and Service tax 12.36% and TDS 2.266% pl give me journal entry
4 7524Suppose A, Delhi is selling material to B, Chhhattisgarh & B wants this material at Bhopal. A bills like sold to party B, Chhattisgarh & Ship to party C, Bhopal. Whereas C is a site office of B. In this case whiling billing A required TIN no of B & C or proving TIN no of B is enough?
3 5136Post New ABC Taxation Interview Questions
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