The nature of taxation

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The nature of taxation..

Answer / s h gupta


Is This Answer Correct ?    39 Yes 18 No

The nature of taxation..

Answer / karen

the nature of taxation are:

1.inherent power of sovereignty
2. legislative in nature
3. territorial operation
4. public purpose
5. exemption of government
6. strongest among the inherent power of the state
7. subject of constitutional and inherent

Is This Answer Correct ?    22 Yes 2 No

The nature of taxation..

Answer / jovy

1. inherent power of sovereignty
2. legislative in nature
3. territorial operation
4. public purpose
5. exemption of government
6. strongest among the inherent power of the state
7. subject of constitutional and inherent

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 10 No

The nature of taxation..

Answer / veer

tds is a direct tax

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The nature of taxation..

Answer / dhokchaule kishor

Their are two nature of taxation i.e Direct Taxes & Indirect
Direct Taxes- Income Tax
Indirect Taxes- 1) Service Tax 2)Vat (Sales Tax) 3)Central

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The nature of taxation..

Answer / pearl marsada

There are 6 nature of taxation

1. for public purposes
2. it is inherently legislative
3. it is a territorial in application
4. it is subject to limitations under International comity
5. taxation distinguished from Police Power and Eminent Domain

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The nature of taxation..

Answer / pema wangmo

1) compulsory contribution
2) personal obligation
3) general benefits
4) no quid pro que

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