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ABC Data Warehouse General Interview Questions
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how can one connect two fact tables ? is it possible ? how?

8 35024

what is query optimizer? what are different types of optimizer s supported by oracle ?

1 12648

Post New ABC Data Warehouse General Interview Questions

ABC Data Warehouse General Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

in any language the sound structure of that language depends on its a) character set, input/output function, its control structures b) character set, library functions, input/output functions its control structures c) character set, library functions, control sturctures d) character set, operators, its control structures


between which phases the planning phase exists in SDLC


Can search engine index the images?


Define drift current in a semiconductor.


What is report subscription?


what are some aspects of your present or most recent position that you like?


Briefly describe an experience of yours that illustrates your ability to clearly articulate and explain technical issues in a nontechnical manner


What are the parts of excel?


What is supplier in java?


Give me the syntax of Case command?


What is the physical storage length of the data types date, time, and timestamp?


(CH2)n + nO2. ---->Co2 + nH2O + energy what is this mean with details


Hi SD Experts, Have you created any Alternate Calculation Type (Alt Cal Ty) & Alternate Base Value (Alt Base Val) in Pricing? If so explain with an example? Explain in detail about the Procedure, Path, T-codes (if any), Logic, Analysis and finally resolution/ solution for calculating Alternate Calculation Type (Alt Cal Ty) & Alternate Base Value (Alt Base Val) in Pricing? I need your real time data examples more & more? Please do not give much importance to Theoretical definition concentrate more on Business Scenario & detailed procedure (Both Configuration & Customization) and Simple coding logic required if any from ABAPer from real time data? This question related to Pricing is most important as it is being asked more frequently in many Interviews? I have interview within 1-2 days? So, I request you to provide solutions to above question as early as possible? Your timely help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks in advance Regards


What is deferred execution in linq?


What made you decide to be a dental assistant?