If you added together the number of 2's in each of the following sets of numbers, which set would contain the most 2's: 1-333, 334-666, or 667-999?
1 5109A boy asked a girl her name she replied your name is behind your scooty Behind the scooty is written 7.3 3.3 9.3 2.3 What is her name
79 103674A remote island contains a tribe whose members have either blue or brown eyes. Tribe members do not know the color of their eyes and if they learn it, they must kill themselves the same night. Every member of the tribe always behaves logically...
2 10197Post New ABC Puzzles Interview Questions
What are the types of validation possible?
what is the ground fault relay,which purpose it will be use,clearly tell me plz
What are the types of cookies in java?
What is meant by data consolidation in excel?
what is market status for Miniature Circuit Breaker in INDIA?
What are the Types of authentications in IIS
Why do we need structs in c#?
How to stop apache?
Can we have an unconnected lkp to lookup a db2 record against a teradata record? Doesnt seem to work. I could be wrong
Explain active record concept in laravel.
What is bcnf in the dbms?
Vibromotor 252MV 1/4HP2P..what is mean by 252MV?
How can all organisms share the same 4 bases DNA and still be so diverse?
What is a framework and what are the frameworks available in rc?
Explain radio environment in building.