Define ipa?
Name three interfaces of r/3 system?
How can you generate proxies using svcutil in wcf?
What is mdb in java?
Explain how to call function in objective-c?
Explain do we need an etl tool?
Which command is used to run hbase shell?
Differentiate between an external iterator and an internal iterator?
How we can format price in magento?
On a 6 KVA UPS we have to provide a DC MCB for Battery bank of 16 nos (12 V 42 AH). What Shall be the current rating of DC MCB ?
How can we group heading elements in html?
How to make thread sleep less than a millisecond on windows?
Difference between iOS 3 , iOS4, iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7 and iOS 8 (What are the new features)
What is the difference between drill through and masterdetail reports?
column at edge of a framed structure is uniaxial or biaxial. and is an interior column is biaxial