What is TestDirector? wats the difference Testdirector and winrunner, loadrunner? wats the advantage of testdirector..?
12 41563Post New ABC Test Director Interview Questions
Have you done any network programming ?
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what are the database server operating modes available for informix? Explain each.
What is the syntax of ‘self invoking function’? Give an example?
Define the toolbar elements.
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What are the three parameters on which car depends?
What are the possible error output's of read file activity?
why we need to us lenz's law for synchornous motor
How will you align a table to the right or left?
Can we make the the chages By Using the Sql if u know any function or process please inform me Actuall result: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK1 Break 1 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Desired O/P: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60
why the value of k is more in shell typr transformers?
Differentiate between content and context in marketing.
What is javaserver pages standard tag library (jstl)?
What is difference between php and html?