What do you understand by schemardd in apache spark rdd?
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We have cost center in main work center as well as in equipment master? What is the purpose of maintaining cost center at both places?
What is etl process in data warehousing? What are the different stages in 'data warehousing'?
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What is the junction object and what purpose does it serve?
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can anyone guide me me for engineering service commission exam?
Explain different types of locks?
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List the industrial applications of rpa?
Hello, My project requirement is like I need to create a web page using MVC pattern. I hava a bean class, jsp page, servlet, service and dao. My jsp has two fields. One is dropdown list. The option values has to get populated from the database table. The other one is a text box and its value has to come from database table. As of now I have defined the fields in bean class, got the values from database using arraylists in dao class and I called this from service class. Can anyone please tell me the workflow of how the servlet will get this arraylist and populate the arraylist values as dropdown options in jsp page? Also I would like to know the role of bean class in MVC pattern? Thanks in advance!