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ABC Manual Testing Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is difference between windows application and Web Application?

2 5052

Which type of testing combines two modules?

6 6656

Test case's for a window having 4 button's addition, subdtraction, multiplication,division of two numbers having two no range(0,10000) and result box having range between (100,100000).

1 3427

Tell me test cases for water bottle

9 75557

INTERVIEW question:- Explain the process in your company?

3 7780

In real time how Data base testing is done Manually? Mean to ask we write sql queries WHere, If you r using test management tool like HP QC

2 4721

How to explain a banking project in interview ? like project discription is Client Online Banking Application provides access to information relating to Banking Online Services provided by Axis to View daily customer transactions, Current and Previous customer statements, Transfer funds from Chequing and Savings accounts ................ From interview point of view can any one explain this project in laymans language


Hi, Im B.E 2011 pasout,worked in back office till now, but now im searching for job into manual testing with fake exp of 1 year..Plz suggest me how to prepare for an intervw? how to gain real time testing knowledge? Is dere any site where i can practice testing?


why we need to write test cases?

3 11662

Write the test cases for yahoo home page


Write the test cases for godaddy home page


Post New ABC Manual Testing Interview Questions

ABC Manual Testing Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why do you want to work with iNautix?


What is the difference between doctype html and html?


What are the best practices to follow with hibernate framework?


How do I open a file in dos?


What is the best database?


What is the formula for calculating in excel?


What is hybris system?


What is the layout tab in excel?


What is optimal size of a file for distributed cache?


how the magnetic trains are leviated(MAGLEV)?


Is class Group is necessary to create work object?


I am using excel. I am working on a spreadsheet in which the columns are showing numbers rather than letters. How do I get the letters to show again?


How SQL Links determines if an MSSQL table can refreshed?


What are the difference between css and css3?


What are the different approaches of passing parameters to a method?