Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so
explain it

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / harold

You must use a car battery and a volt meter.Take the
battery out of your car and attach a cable to the positive
and negative terminals.Try and start your car,if it doesn't
start that means you have correctly removed the
battery.Stick one end of the positive cable in the
ground,the deeper the better,dig a hole with a shovel if
you have to.Stick the negative cable in the ground at
exactly 38.6390 inches away from the positive cable,this
measurement is extremely important.Now,wait 3 hours and
measure the voltage in the ground between the two cables.A
voltage of 7.75 volts dc or higher indicates proper ground
resistance of .00672 ohms.A lower voltage reading indicates
that the ground resistance is too high.Saturate the area
with water and wait overnight.Take your readings again the
next day and see if they have changed.This is a very
accurate method and it has worked for me every time.

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / felix shapilo

Ohmmeter measurements are normally made with just a two-
point measurement method.
However, when measuring very low values of ohms, in the
milli- or micro-ohm range, the two-point method is
not satisfactory because test lead resistance becomes a
significant factor.
A similar problem occurs when making ground mat resistance
tests, because long lead lengths of up to 1000
feet, are used. Here also, the lead resistance, due to long
lead length, will affect the measurement results.
The four-point resistance measurement method eliminates
lead resistance. Instruments based on the four-point
measurement work on the following principle:
· Two current leads, C1 and C2, comprise a two-wire
current source that circulates current through the
under test.
· Two potential leads, P1 and P2, provide a two-wire
voltage measurement circuit that measures the voltage
drop across the resistance under test.
· The instrument computes the value of resistance from the
measured values of current and voltage

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / amin

come on man, measuring earth resistance is a subject of
science, not an abstract art that everybody will explain it
in his own way! Do not write if you do not know it exactly.

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / ahmad abu alrob

Normally no meaning for earth resistance, we use a
measurement of resistance in a definite location to
calculate the Earth Resistivity which can be used for the
calculation of Grounding/ Earthing mesh resistance.

Measurement can be done in one of the following:

1- Normal Volt/ Ampere method: Inject current and measure
voltage , then you will got the resistance.


2- Wenner method using 4 electrodes: You should use the
equipment especially used for this purpose, and you should
follow the instruction attached with the equipment.


3- Using Schlumberger method applying 4 electrodes: same
equipment used in 2 but different calculation applied.

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / ajay rout

earth resistance is onely measure by earth tester of low
value less then 10 ohm.a good earth has 1 to 2 ohms
resistance. any doute pls contact 09438603040 Er.Ajay Rout

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / manish

Actually the Earth resistance is measured using "earth
resistance meter". In previous answers some said that using
megger, but megger is used only for high resistance
measurement i.e., in Megaohms but when considereing upon
earth resistance it should not exceed 1ohm so earth
resistance meter is required.

In this meter there will be four terminals(E, P1, P2, P3)
in which E and P1 will be shorted and connected to the grid
or electrode and P2 and P3 are reference electrodes which
will be kept on the earth surface on two different
locations for taking the reference resistances of the earth.

The meter shows the resistance of the earth. But it is
neccessary that it should be below 1ohm

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / shyamuchary

they are two tyes

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / meshach

Earth resistance, is measured by Earth Resistance Device.
Which a good Earthing Resistance is suppose to give:
1) E to N = 0.7 V
2) P to N = 228.6 V
3) P to E = 228.7 V

And Bad Earthing is:
1) E to N = 0.5 V
2) P to E = 16.2 V
3) P to N = 228.6 V

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / ramesh baraskar

In this meter there will be four terminals(E, P1, P2, P3)
in which E and P1 will be shorted and connected to the grid
or electrode and P2 and P3 are reference electrodes which
will be kept on the earth surface on 90° degree
locations for taking the reference resistances of the earth.

The meter shows the resistance of the earth. But it is
neccessary that it should be below 1ohm and grid earth system below 5 ohm.

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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it..

Answer / zeenath

yes i should be less than 1 ohm..for any
clarification plz call me at 09036571568..

Name: Zeenath Kundur
Mobile: 09036571568
Official ID :

Thanks and Regards,

Zeenath Kundur
Project Manager
Prithviinformation Solutions LTD

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