Is python more secure than java?
how to control transport cost with sale invoices :- I want to know how to map tranport cost with respective sale invoices. This help us to avoid duplicate transport payment. As in PO freight condition is maintained ,is there is anyway to link or map transport cost with sale invoices
What is a positive displacement pump?
What is identity in mysql?
What is $_ request in php?
Is oop a design pattern?
write the test cases for facility module in business field?
i want to question papers of section engineer post (rrb).please sent my mail id .my id is boobalaraja@
Who developed oracle & when?
What is artisan in php?
y we do not differ b/w atomic mass and atomic wieght? from
What is xml file in android?
How dynamic arrays are created?
what is perl language?
In parallel operation time both NGR’s close or not close if both close what will happen