How do you maintain the batteries for generators, what is the daily maintenance of a generator?
2 12626What accessories required to give the motor with given circuits and do you know the ratings of those accessories?
4 28190How you take care of a motor from over loading and what are the different overloading ratings of different motors?
4 9290Do you know how to joint the H.T and L.T Cables?
KESC, MGVCL, Nokia, Oil Country Tubular, Power Control, SAGT, Siemens, Simco, Vivek Engineers,
23 59336What are the starting currents of different motors and also what are the running currents, and idle currents?
6 12368What meant by lagging and leading? When if they are occurred what preventive methods should be taken?
14 52481What is meant by Resonance what are the different types of resonance and what are uses of them?
14 46271
Define what is the mechanism by which conduction takes place inside the semiconductor?
why we use chopper circuit in TV ?
a solid steel rod length 2m dia and 20mm vertically hangs from celling and has a collar firmly atteched to it. above the collar an annular rubber washer of 40mm th. having stifness k = 5n/mm is placed. determine maximum stress in the rod caused by mass of 5 kg falling through a height of 1.2m.
Draw a 230kv two-bus bar system showing the following. 1.Two generators (150MW) each connected through one 15.75/230KV transformers 2. 1 outgoing lines 3. Two 230/130 KV transformers 4. BUS PT's 5. CT
In a tractor, how the hydrostatic propulsion systems work?
What are the classifications of heating element?
which protection used in power plant?
High speed earth switch operation with diagram
Scott connection is used for A 3-phase to 2-phase conversion B to achieve higher effciency C to save copper D to reduce harmonics
In Plumbing services What are accessories we consider for a bathroom?
Whats the meanig of ,'K' VALUE in the case of soil.....
what the Microsoft .NET framework is?
What are the applications of fm transceiver.
If I have Energy Meter Ratio as 100:5 & Also I have CT Ratio as 50:5 then what will be my multiplying Factor(M.F.)