TYPE? give a brief explanation?
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TOR is dependent on requirement type, requirement class,
checking group and schedule line category.
Requirement class contains all the control parameters,
required for demand mgmt/sales and distribution.The
requirement class is the controlling factor for the
availability check and the TOR for all sales document types.
Requirement Types are Texts that represent the planning
Strategy in any application (like demand mgmt/Sales &
Distribution. A requirement type is allocated to a single
requirement class,but a requirement class can be allocated
to more than one requirement type. The requirement type is
displayed in the sales order is based on the item category
and the MRP type of the material.
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Answer / back street boys
Req type:
It specifies what kind of requirement whether it is a Sales order,Delivery order or customer specific individual requirement.
Req Class:
It specifies certain controls for one transaction through requirement type.that are it specifies whether it has to carry out avlblity chk & TOR for one transaction whether is mandatory or not,if the requirement is other than MTS products,it also specifies what kind of costing method,costing ID,Costing variant,Costing Sheet and condition EK01 and EK02 costing result has been used by sales application in pricing through which condition type it has to transfer and it has to create assemble to order,which pp documents it has to use and result analysis key for project settlement (ps) it has to use,
Req Class can have no of Req types.Depending upon mat type system proposes item category,together with document type and usage of line item and higher level item category.with the item category together with mrp type,this item category determines schedule line category,with the help of schedule line category system can perform perform internal procurement or external procurement or no activity.
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Answer / shriyasuhaas
Requirement class is where your requirement type gets
stayed and requirement type is the combination of intem
category and MRP.
During avialbility check or TOR the system frist checlks
for the statergy group in mrp3 and if this is not found
then will go in for material group in MRP1 and finally will
check for MRP TYPE AND THE item category . Vamsee is right
to an extent but avilability check doens not directrly
depends on the requirement for Avilability check you have
requirement class ; requirement type ; checking rule ;
schdule line nad checking group where as in TOR you have
al but not checking rule
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Answer / siva
in sales order procurement tab we can find requirement type.
requirement type will help to determine requirement class and requirement class will help to transfer the sales order requirements to MRP (md04)
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Answer / syamala
pls refer to...
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