SAP PP (Production Planning) Interview Questions
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Infosys, NTT Data,


What is the significance of order types in PP?

5 22910

What is significance of various manufacturing strategies?


2 9426

Describe control key utility & also standard key ? how many fields can be configured for standard value key?

5 9830

Describe different types of scrap. Where all different types of scrap can be maintained on SAP user screens?

2 22611

How to configure the planning calendar for the ATP calculation where goods are shipped every other working day?

3 10483

What is the difference between by-product and co-product and how do you differentiate them in a BOM?


7 54522

What are some important tables used in PP ?

2 10428

We have deleted a group key in an operation in routing and the same does not appear for this routing (CA02). But we noticed that entries are maintained in table PLPO and the deletion indicator is not set. How does the system remember this deletion of group key?

1 7534

We get an error message "Control parameters for scheduling not defined" while creating test production Orders. Why?

1 10215

What is the option "Documented goods movements" on Selection of Individual Object Lists (transaction code CO28)?

2 8941

How can we shut off the "automatic costing indicator" and the "automatic scheduling indicator" which go on when the production order is released?

1 6897

can any body tell me integration between pp with fi,mm,sd.

6 22905

what are the basics of PP ?


15 23357

what is recurssive BOM ?

IBM, Pepsi,

12 35793

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP PP (Production Planning) }

How to insert an inspection checkpoint at the end of an operation?


What is Inspection Points?


What are the steps of production execution process?


What is the difference between indian and us payroll?


What are dynamic actions? Give a few examples. What are it’s you used in them?


Do you have any idea about Capacity Planning?


Is it possible to convert a 'multiple bom' into a 'variant bom'?


We defined sop in months. However, during sop transfer to demand management, our independent requirements are appearing in weeks. How can we correct this from weeks into months?


What are the levels of batch, explain batch determination process?


Checkdigit example


What is Planning time Fence?


You want to insert an inspection check point at the end of an operation. How would you do that?


What are all the settings done for configuring the integration of pp with fico?


What is the use of sap material view and list out other parameters where sap material view is applicable?


What is alternate item group?