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KPIT Interview Questions
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Why TCP and IP are written all together as TCP/IP?

8 31108

What is share script?

15 56934

What are concepts of OOPS and how are they implemented in Java?

2 7173

What are the ways to define classes that can be run as threads?

1 5567

What is Entity Bean and Session Bean?

1 4862

What is the major difference SessionBean and EntityBean?

3 7304

Tell me difference between Container managed persistent bean & Bean managed persistent bean?

1 5344

what is meant by servlet to servlet communication?

1 8500

What is the need for modulation?

82 294095

Difference between Include, Forward and sendRedirect in Servlet?

7 70078

Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation?

8 21094

what is cut over strategy?

7 53270

what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector

19 44177

What are the two user exits you have used in your project?

2 6482

what is latest version in reports

3 6493

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KPIT Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are the key activities that you perform as part of sap basis support?


explain with examples what r the roles & Responsiblities of a functional consultant who reviews the Test Scripts, Test Cases and Test Execution Results of AP, FA and GL.


Hello SAP MM trainers,I am a SAP MM consultant working for MNC in Hyderabad, India and have good experience in domain and SAP MM. I am being forced by my company’s client to show them my SAP MM certification. Now my company is insisting me to write the certification exam. I can write the exam without going to SAP certified institute as my company is SAP partner, but I am not confident that I will pass the exam. As I am working odd hours and family commitment, I do not want to go to SAP certified institute. I am looking for a trainer who is experienced in real life projects (not a full time trainer with bookish knowledge) and certified in SAP MM and willing to train me in couple of weeks so that I can pass the certification in first attempt. Please email


What is the use of @repository?


What command will change your prompt to myprompt?


Sir, I wish to appear for the written test in the year 2009. But i have no syllabus on the basis of that the exam was held. So if you kindly give me the syllabus,it's easy for me to be prepared. I have already registered through online,and that no is 10857


What are the disadvantages of hydropower?


How would you create deadlock on your servlet?


A lot of questions based on networking theory and networking models


What is shadow it?


How to get the ddl of a table in postgresql?


please can any one tell me clearly about pid tuning i am confusing about this .how to tune pid easly?


Explain the otto cycle in brief.


Can to set up filters like I did in eudora?


What is the use of mvvm pattern in wpf?