SAP Security Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is temp role and copy role ?

Accenture, TCS,

5 26517

how to create new authorization object?


8 40728

how to adjust user master records?


6 28415

how to transport roles?


7 41364

what are various user types

Accenture, IBM,

7 28490

which ticketing tool you are using?

Accenture, Cap Gemini, IBM, Wipro,

18 57505

how to get ticket from end user?


5 16801

After maintaining authorization fields, we save and generate the profile. But it prompts for the profile name right when we click on 'Save' icon. So what is the basic difference between Saving and Profile Generating?

9 19551

In 4.7 EE, we have an option as User -> Settings -> Automatic Comparison at Save. Is it right if i say that this option checked will automatically prompt for User cpompare when we simply save the data after entering the users to the role? But whether the option is checked or not i did not get any prompt for User compare on saving the data after entering Users info in the role. My another doubt is whats the difference between User and Complete Compare options. If i dont do complete Compare, wiill that effect? Is it right if i say that User compare assigns the users to the role and Complete Compare updates the user master recoirds , i.e., User master record comparison is current.

3 8443

Hello!!! We are asked to generate a report/collect data on users concurrently accessed to the system and what operations they performed with their concurrent access. Apart from they want info on the duration of thier concurrent/normal session (date, time etc). Can anyone help us to know any particular transactions (as of our knowledge STAT & STAD can render certain segment of data), reports available with SAP to collect the above requested info.

Cap Gemini,

5 14184

What is the differrence b/w Copy Roles and Derived Roles ?

ABC, Accenture,

9 29942

Hi This is Prakash . Can any one tell me what is the use of SU24 and SU25 transaction code exactly


8 26683

What are the issues will face while creating user in the system ?


8 19357

Hi , Currently i am working in an MNC company as an SAP Security tier1 member , we will take care of User Administration , Profile/authorization administration activities .Could any one tell me , is i am eligible to apply for an SAP Security job for 2 years experience . Could any one tell me about SOD , SOX Audit and Virsa tool , i have never worked before . Prakash


3 13602

Does anyone know what kind of questions does the Accenture asks on Interview as SAP Security Consultant?


2 15527

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP Security }

how we Set up Central User Administration (CUA) to manage 4 systems/clients


Giving fire call access and extending fire call access by using VIRSA’s VFAT tool.can any one brief this


when performing client copies what steps you need to take from CUA point of view?


What is the difference between the table buffer and the user buffer?


How to do Role Design, Testing and Implementation


explain the personalization tab within a role?


You want to remove a developer's and developer keys from a system. How would you do that?


Which transaction code is used to display the user buffer?


what is the critical issue u are faced in your previous experience


How to run the daily background job s for virsa violations ? thabks in advance


What is stad?


In Agr_1251 we are able to see 100 roles but in SUIM we are able to see 120 roles what's the reason behind this ? why is the difference between the SUIM and the AGR table ?


Differentiate between temp role and copy role


Hi, Can any one tell me, what is roles and responsibilities for SAP-Security resource in 'Netweaver Identity Management'


how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS