SAP Netweaver Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

why is netweaver known by XI,EP,BSP,WEBDYNPRO etc... what are these, are they embedded in NETWEAVER ?

3 10681

What if Netweaver Module? Plz tell me it's use.


3 9786

what is XI, EP, and MDM


5 14828

what is sld

11 29836

difference between business system and business service

ABC, Accenture,

14 33135

What is the function of pipeline and pipeline interface in SOAP? How their functions are related to each other? And what is ICF service?

3 7777

Hi,i am new to SAP i have Knowledge in SAP(ABAP)now i want to learn Netweavr can u plz sugist me it is use full r not? what r the basic thing to required ? (Usha)

7 11125

Hi,i am basicaly M.Sc mathematics i have good knowldge in SAP ABAP,if i learn Netwaver ABAP, how the openings, can i have to learn any languages ? Plz (Usha)

4 6614

Expline in detaild about Webdynpro ? give Url plz(Usha)

5 15191

hi to all plz sen to me interview questions on webdynpros

1 4121

i am searching on sap xi .please any help me what is roles and responsibilities of sap xi consultant in projects.thanks

1 4173

what technologies required for sap xi consultantin realtime.thanks advance

1 3676

what is job categories in sap xi ,explain briefly .thanks in advance

1 4837

what is main concepts of sap xi used inrealtime projects.thanks in advance

3 9366

if u dont mine .please send me sap xi consultant resume urgent .mail thanks in advance

1 5002

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Un-Answered Questions { SAP Netweaver }

What is the use of SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal?


What is the receiver str jdbc?


What is an update in terms of sap system?


How will you send the data into multiple table?


How many help options are there in sap netweaver?


Where do you download SAP NetWeaver trial version? What are the installation steps?


what is idoc collection ? and how to send multiple idcos to target system.?


Wt is the diff between fix value and value mapping?


what is pool waiting time prameters?


Have you done udf?


what are the components in netweaver?


What is the difference between fix value and value mapping?


List and explain the various transactional processing’s within as abap.


How it will work the proxies?


Apart from update work processes what are the other work processes that can do the update task ?