SAP Interview Questions
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In intra company stock transport order, there will be no billing document. What enhancements can you think of if Client wants to see the amount of goods transported from Plant A to Plant B.

Keane India Ltd,

2 10382

what is transfer order?

4 7315

Hi, While implementing Country India Version, I wanted to know if the Pricing Procedure JFACT (i.e. with formulas) or JINFAC (i.e. without formulas) should be used. specify suitable Tax calculation procedure with it .


3 7219

Where to check for system logs of Sap application at os level?


10 51046

how a support individual will receive Tickets/issues from client

4 7814

What are the current kernal patch level and current support patch level?

Cap Gemini, Satyam,

5 19992

what is ECC No.

BirlaSoft, Datamatics, Premier,

14 73283

what is netweaver in SAP & its role?


3 6297

where do u configure, if an employee is not taking any half- day leave in an organization?


3 7975

How many Background Process required for SAP patch updation?


6 11800

what is asset accounting?what is account determination,asset masterrecord?

2 13963

what is asset accounting?

3 21284

Hi friends, As we all know (Net Present Value)The Currency value decrease every year.How to assign the net present value in asset accounting. If we use that concept say for ex. the asset value is for 10 years.if we use NPV method the asset the asset life willbe less than that na.How to use that? Ram.


Hi Friends, How do project mgt.,fm area,work flow variant,inflation method helps in OBY6?


hi, waht is line item settlement,investment measure,manage historically helps in OAOA?


Un-Answered Questions { SAP }

What is aggregate awareness and steps involved in it? : sap bobi


Explain about SAP Simple Finance module?


If a table that is to be extended contains a long field, we cannot use append structures why?


What is a setting in the universe and how they are made? : sap bobi


Can you explain drill mode?


What are matrix organizational structures?


In SAP PI F2F scenario, if structure of my input file and output file is different, how do you implement message and data types?


Difference between BDC vs Direct Loads?


any 1 having notes on SAP-ABAP certification, or even if any 1 could provide the url for getting notes on SAP-ABAP certification, would be appreciated.


When do you use multiple universes? : bo designer


What are features in sap hcm?


Can there be more than 1 main window in sap script?


Explain data mining?


Explain asset retirement in fi-aa? : fi- asset accounting


Tell me a situation where you have to handle huge amount of raw data in your implementation and how you handled it?