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BirlaSoft Interview Questions
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Tell me about yourself?

229 498128

How does winrunner Recognize Objects in an application?

1 4739

In 1st screen,if v enter a/c no. in one field, the information of the subscriber will be displayed. The details should be displayed only in screen 3(NOTE:details should not display in screen 2).How can v do using QTP.

2 8742

What is the use of Accessibility check point?

8 12802

if i give some thousand tests to execute in 2 days what do u do?

24 29473

How to Import data from a ".xls" file to Data table during Runtime.

10 24660

How to supress warnings from the "Test results page"?

6 17574

How can you debug the Java code?

6 15930

What is the difference between directcast and ctype?

2 7102

what is ERP? why inventory comes in ERP?

4 10592

in unix echo is used for

10 25461

what is mean [] inc what is the use of include conio.h in c

1 9097

When you?re running a component within ASP.NET, what process is it running within on Windows XP? Windows 2000? Windows 2003?

2 6352

What type problems faced in Recording the Apllication through WinRunner and QTP?

1 5191

What is the Differnce between Client/Server Testing and Web Based Testing?

3 7854

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BirlaSoft Interview Questions

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Give a detailed overview about the big data being generated by facebook?


Search for: is windows 10 better than linux?


How much is the wordpress business plan?


What is Portal and where it will be configured?


what is http protocol?


Difference between undefined and undeclared variables?


Give me detailed theritical explanation about keyword driven, hybrid framework, environment variables, hybrid frame work


Explain about map and their types?


Explain various types of abap ui technologies


How we can apply css in multiple selectors in jquery?


What according to you is more important - effort or result?


Explain Approval Terminology?


What is finalize method in .net?


What is manifest in .net framework?


Are you involved in writing the inferential analysis plan? Tables specfications?