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Datamatics Interview Questions
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What is pairwise testing?

10 30786

What does mknod do? What?s a named pipe?

1 8106

how u write vb script in qtp pls give me some basic script and some material

32 53776

where the object repository is located?how to choose the object repository as shared or action object repositories?

4 8508

wt is the difference between global and action excel database in qtp?for example one action is calling another action the second action is using action excell sheet?if it is using global sheet what makes the difference?

2 13863

which command u will use to access the application through descriptive programing?

7 9830

Who is the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces? 1 Prime Minister 2 Defense Minister 3 President 4 Chief of the Army Staff

22 85086

how to configure automatic payment program

11 27804

What is non-functional testing?

13 46670

Hi,I am new to software testing. My question is, What can be the possible test cases one can write for a chair

6 9293

52.write a “Hello World” program in “c” without using a semicolon? 53.Give a method to count the number of ones in a 32 bit number? 54.write a program that print itself even if the source file is deleted? 55.Given an unsigned integer, find if the number is power of 2?

25 56002

What is catch up depreciation

1 10971

i applied prompt on country when i run report it shows list of all countries but want it to show only four countries name


Which things do you examine in requrement while writing testcases.

1 5868

Please any on explain usage of "on error resume next","On error goto 0" with sample code....Thankyou......... when a tester is asked to execute 100 scripts in a short time..(the server will be down in another 10 min) he has to run those scripts?

2 9721

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Un-Answered Questions

List some of the activities carried out by uipath?


How to get current environment in laravel?


What do you do (with the project tasks) when the schedule fails?


what are the key components of bpm?


What is the difference between war and ear?


What is sharepoint page layout?


What's the relationship between OCI's TAO and DOC's TAO?


How do I update os?


naphtha and hexane mixture can be used a fuel or not


if i used salt as a add mixture in concrete, then what will happen and what are the naturally available add mixtures.


Explain about pdb module in python?


profit centres


sir,in our plant we r using SATEC PM172E power reading meeters in HT panel side it is monitoring the MB data smart viewer(sever).but last one week we did not get readings inthe server only available in meeter.tell me how communicate meter and server. and also what steps we take for checking.


What is ms excel and why it is used?


What is createtextnode?